Version 1.21 of the Triton Ocean SDK for Windows is now available. This update includes three main new features: Sample code for Gamebryo Lightspeed 3.2 (Core Runtime) is now included with the SDK Libraries for Visual C++ 2005 are now...
Got two minutes to answer ten quick questions? Please take our 2012 user survey! Your input is really important to us, as it helps us figure out how to improve our products, and what products to build next. Help ensure...
In addition to Ubuntu 11, we’ve added binary evaluation packages for the Triton Ocean SDK for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 and OpenSUSE at our download page. We’ve also had enough people use Triton for Linux successfully that we’ve taken...
SilverLining 2.30 is now available from our download page. In addition to several bug fixes and better compatibility with a wider range of graphics cards, it also includes substantial performance improvements for cumulus cloud types. In addition to being about...
We’ve posted a new video of Triton 1.2 on the Sundog Youtube Channel. Static images don’t really do the new spray effects in 1.2 justice, so a video seemed to be in order. It also illustrates shoreline effects, where waves...
New release of the Triton Ocean SDK provides fast, realistic water and waves for developers Seattle, WA – November 18, 2011 – Realistic ocean waves with foam and spray as they break near the shore are coming soon to games...
Sundog’s founder and principal engineer, Frank Kane, will be at the I/ITSEC conference in Orlando, Florida between November 29 and December 1. If you or your colleagues will be at the show, send Frank a note at fkane (at)
We’re excited to have Triton running on Ubuntu, with full support for OpenCL and CUDA as well as the Intel Integrated Performance Primitives for accelerating the FFT’s that power Triton’s waves. You’ll find some experimental installers for Ubuntu 10 and...
Over on our download page you’ll find a new build of our integration with the Havok Vision Engine (formerly the Trinigy Vision Engine). The newly released Havok Vision Engine 8.2.1 is now officially supported by Sundog Software, and you can...
SilverLining’s procedural skies and 3D cumulus clouds are now available to users of the Unity game engine. SilverLining for Unity 1.0 is available right now in the Unity Asset Store. We’ve ported the same algorithms for physically accurate time of...