Today we’re releasing version 3.80 of the Triton Ocean SDK, and version 4.080 of the SilverLining Sky, 3D Cloud, and Weather SDK. Here’s an overview of what’s new: In Triton, we’ve rolled out an improved prop wash effect in our...
Our SkyMaxx Pro add-on for the X-Plane flight simulator is gearing up for a big update; version 4.5 is in round 2 of beta testing as I type. What’s new? Procedural sky box (based on the Hosek model) to accurately...
Updates to SilverLining and Triton have been a bit infrequent lately, but that doesn’t mean we’re just resting on our laurels here at Sundog Software. We’re hard at work pushing both products forward, and making sure you get the most...
Microsoft just released the latest version of the Visual Studio IDE: Visual Studio 2017. We’ve installed the community edition here and run some basic tests on SilverLining and Triton. The good news is that it appears Visual Studio 2017 is...
We’re preparing to bump the Triton Ocean SDK up to version 4.0, and rolling out some of the larger changes incrementally ahead of time. We just released Triton 3.78, and it includes a few changes worth noting: New support for...
You may have noticed that updates to SilverLining and Triton are coming more slowly than usual – it’s been over a month since the last release of either. The reason is simply that we’re gearing up for major updates to...
Version 4 of our popular add-on for X-Plane is out now: SkyMaxx Pro 4! “SMP4” is built on the latest version of our SilverLining Sky, 3D Cloud, and Weather SDK, and showcases our new “stratocumulus particle” cloud type, improved precipitation...
Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, the Winter Solstice, Saturnalia, or something else – hey, we don’t judge. We just want you to enjoy it, and spend it with people you love. To us, the holiday season is a chance...
We were skulking about the show floor at I/ITSEC 2016, and it was a surreal experience! The most common question I received was “is there anybody who isn’t using your software here?” SilverLining‘s 3D clouds and skies, and Triton‘s 3D...
An important change was rolled out in SilverLining 4.074 that may affect customers with synced, multi-monitor or multi-channel displays. Our guidelines for multiple displays used to advise using the srand() function with a consistent random seed value prior to creating...