Triton 3D Water for Oculus RiftWe’re pleased to announce support for the Oculus Rift DK2 in Triton Oceans & 3D Water for Unity Pro!

Developers using the Unity Pro engine can now add real 3D waves into their virtual reality environments. Most water solutions just use texturing tricks to make water look 3D on a flat surface, but that just doesn’t cut it in a real 3D stereoscopic view. Triton gives you the most realistic real-time waves available, accurately simulating waves for any given wind conditions, swell conditions, sea states, or Beaufort scales. Triton also has 3D particle-based spray effects, 3D ship wake waves, a built-in buoyancy model for your floating objects and ships, underwater effects, and more.

A free evaluation of Triton for Unity Pro, including a sample scene for the Oculus Rift, is available at the Triton for Unity Pro product page.

Triton’s C++ SDK has also been used successfully with applications targeting the Oculus Rift. So even if you’re not using Unity, you can probably use Triton to enhance your ocean VR scenes.

The Oculus Rift and its Unity integration are still in beta status, so there are a few quirks you need to know about when using it. Here’s the new section from our documentation on the topic:

Oculus Support

Triton now supports Oculus SDK or newer using the DK2. To see how integration works, refer to the TritonOculusDemo scene.
There are a few important things to note when using the Oculus with Triton in the Unity Editor:

  • Make sure to have the latest Oculus Runtime and Oculus SDK installed for version 0.4.3 or newer.
  • Open up the Triton folder in your project view, and find the TritonOVRCameraRigPrefab. Drag this into your scene. This should be designated as your main camera.
  • In the TritonPrefab, check the “Using Oculus” option and drag the TritonOVRCameraRigPrefab object into the “Game Camera” option.
  • Go to Edit->Project Settings->Player. Go into the Other Settings and uncheck “Use Direct 3D 11”. This will ensure that the scene runs in Editor mode.
  • When using the Oculus in the Unity editor, make sure to have the Rift Display Mode (set through the Oculus VR Configuration Utility) set to Extended mode. Direct Mode will not have head tracking on while running in the editor.
  • When running in editor mode, the camera will not view as the Oculus would view, so controls with head tracking will not visually be seen (though it will indeed be tracking). To move around the scene in the editor, go to the TritonOVRCameraRigPrefab and uncheck “Use Oculus Controls” in the FreeflightCamera script attached. This will not be the case when building a standalone executable; the Oculus will behave appropriately.