All posts by: Frank Kane

The SilverLining Sky, 3D Cloud, and Weather SDK now includes experimental Direct3D 11.1 support in version 4.027. This means applications targeting DirectX 11.1 (requiring Windows 7 or newer) can use SilverLining without introducing dependencies on the June 2010 DirectX SDK...
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One thing that sometimes trips up new users of the SilverLining Sky, 3D Cloud, and Weather SDK is that although we have a common API for all SilverLining::CloudLayer types, individual types of cloud layers have little differences in how that...
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Thanks to one of our customers, SilverLining now includes a CloudLayer::Intersect() method – this lets you perform intersection tests against individual clouds in a cumulus cloud layer. There are several applications for this in simulation and training, and it’s something...
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This has nothing to do with computer graphics – but some of you may know that I continue to dabble in data mining and machine learning as well. If you’re interested in learning the hottest framework for analyzing large data...
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Version 3.39 of the Triton Ocean SDK includes an improved ocean spray particle effect. It’s something that’s been bothering our artist for a long time, and I’m happy to say it now looks noticeably more natural! Improving Triton is a...
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X-Plane users are in for a treat – our SkyMaxx Pro add-on is about to get a major update, with version 3 currently in release candidate status. I could blather about all the new features and improvements, but this video...
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Behold! Our latest promo for the SilverLining Sky, 3D Cloud, and Weather SDK: It showcases the new stratiform cloud effects in SilverLining 4, along with the cumulus clouds that we’ve always been known for. We’ll be showing this video at...
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We’ve gotten a lot of attention from our earlier post on using logarithmic depth buffers with Triton and SilverLining. Although it’s not a panacea, logarithmic depth buffers can help a lot with z-fighting in scenes that have very high depth...
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We’ve released an update to our Triton Oceans for Unity asset, which brings Triton’s fast, simulation-quality 3D ocean effects to the Unity game engine. This maintenance release fixes several issues introduced by recent updates to Unity: Triton’s field of view...
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Sometimes, it’s the little things. The SilverLining Sky, 3D Cloud, and Weather SDK has always featured a robust “ephemeris model,” accurately representing the location of the sun and moon, the phase of the moon, the positions of the stars and...
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