The latest version of our Triton Ocean SDK is now available from our download page. Version 1.5 has some exciting new capabilities that you’ll want to take advantage of, including shading of user-drawn geometry patches, multi-threaded rendering, C# support, and Visual Studio 2012 support.

  • Triton now has the ability to shade user-drawn patches of geometry, making for a new way to use Triton for smaller bodies of water. The new Ocean::SetPatchShader() and Ocean::UnsetPatchShader() methods allow you to apply Triton’s wave simulation, foam, and wakes to any set of meshes in your scene you want. You’ll find a new set of sample projects illustrating this new technique, as well as documentation. We listened to your feedback and provided this way to only render Triton’s water exactly where you need it. Ocean::Draw() is still available for an easy way to draw infinite oceans, that can still interact with the terrain in your scene through the depth and stencil buffer.
  • Physics updates are now split out from rendering, and may be done from another thread. See the new Ocean::UpdateSimulation() method. We’ve updated our OpenSceneGraph sample code to take advantage of this capability.
  • We added a C# wrapper, and now include the DLL’s and class libraries necessary to use Triton from a C# project in the CSharpSample included with the SDK. We also include an example of using Triton within an XNA Game Framework 4.0 project.
  • We’ve added libraries and project files for Visual Studio 2012 and made the necessary changes to build Triton with the Windows 8 SDK. For now we’re only supporting desktop apps under Windows 8, but watch for “Metro” style app support soon. Please note that NVidia’s CUDA Toolkit doesn’t yet support Visual Studio 2012, so we’re unable to provide CUDA support in our VC11 libraries just yet.
  • We fixed the annoying aliasing problem in DirectX in the distance when the camera moved close to the surface.

This is Triton’s biggest update ever, and I’m really excited to get it in your hands. As always, the binary SDK is free to try and licensed users with current support plans may get the full source SDK right now.