Visual simulation library for ocean rendering.
Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
 Obtaining a license for Triton, or how to evaluate it for freeLicense codes for Triton may be purchased online at using a credit card; for other payment options, contact
 Triton System RequirementsAlthough Triton is able to take advantage of the latest general purpose GPU technologies and graphics SDK's, it remains compatible with lower end systems as well
 Getting started with TritonTriton includes over 60,000 lines of code, but it will only take a few to integrate it into your application
 Simulating specific sea conditions with TritonIf you're using Triton for training and simulation purposes, you'll want to use its more advanced physical simulation capabilities
 Simulating ship wakes with TritonTriton includes the ability to displace the ocean surface in 3D with wakes generated by multiple ships, or more generally objects moving through the water
 Spray effects and breaking wavesTriton looks for sharp wave crests and automatically creates particle-based spray effects near the camera
 Rotor wash effectsTriton will also simulate the effects of wind from rotary-wing downwash (or any localized wind source) on the water surface
 Simulating impacts on the waterYou may also simulate the effects of impacts or explosions on the water, using the Triton::Impact class
 Applying decals to the water surfaceTriton has the ability to apply decal textures to the water surface, which will appear to float on the water
 Integrating Triton with terrain and shallow waterIf your application includes terrain as well as open ocean, there are several ways to achieve good results at the shoreline
 Synchronizing Triton across multiple viewports or channelsIn multi-channel simulators that render several viewports at once using multiple computers, you need to ensure that the ocean is rendered consistently across the different systems
 Intersection tests with TritonTriton allows you to query the height and surface normals of the ocean at any given position; this allows you to simulate floating objects in your application consistently with Triton's waves
 Underwater rendering with TritonTriton provides support for rendering the water surface from above or below sea level
 Using Triton with No Rendering (Physics Only)Some systems consist of a central server that is responsible for intersection tests and physics, that does not do any rendering
 Performance tuning tipsTriton will use as many special capabilities as it can find of your graphics hardware, taking advantage of CUDA, OpenCL, and the parallel computing capabilities of your main CPU whenever possible
 Troubleshooting tips
 Redistributing Triton with your applicationWindows developers must ensure that the DirectX end-user runtimes are installed on your target systems, from the June 2010 DirectX SDK or newer
 Obtaining supportWe're happy to provide limited email-based pre-sales technical support if you're evaluating Triton, and licensed Pro customers receive 3 months of support as well
 Advanced topics
 Third-party license noticesTriton incorporates some third-party code, and their required license notices are here