Public Headers Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for Public Headers:
C:/sl/Public Headers


file  Atmosphere.h
 The main interface to SilverLining.
file  AtmosphericConditions.h
 Configures the time, location, atmosphere, and cloud cover.
file  Camera.h
 A class for describing and managing a camera view.
file  CloudLayer.h
 Methods for configuration and initializing cloud decks.
file  CloudLayerFactory.h
 Instantiates specific types of CloudLayer objects.
file  CloudLayerTcsUserData.h
 A class for describing and managing data/rendering in a particular thread and associated camera, stream (ThreadCamerStreamData)
file  CloudTypes.h
 Defines the enumerated values of cloud layer types that may be passed to CloudLayerFactory::Create.
file  Color.h
 A class that defines an RGBA color and operations on it.
file  FadeModes.h
 A class for describing the fade mode for a CloudLayer.
file  Frustum.h
 A viewing frustum, modeled as a collection of six planes.
file  LightningListener.h
 A virtual base class for receiving lightning strike events in your application.
file  LocalTime.h
 An object to describe the local time, time zone, and daylight savings time observation.
file  Location.h
 Represents the geographic location being simulated.
file  Matrix3.h
 Implements a 3x3 matrix and its operations.
file  Matrix4.h
 An implementation of a 4x4 matrix and some simple operations on it.
file  MemAlloc.h
 Memory allocation interface for SilverLining.
file  MillisecondTimer.h
 Exposes an interface applications may use to manipulate time.
file  MutexContainer.h
 A class for RAII Mutex.
file  Plane.h
 A class that models a geometric plane and its operations.
file  RandomNumberGenerator.h
 A virtual base class for overriding SilverLining's random number generator in your application.
file  ResourceLoader.h
 A class for loading SilverLining's resources from mass storage, which you may extend.
file  SilverLiningDLLCommon.h
 Shared header for the specific renderer DLL's, and for use by the Renderer class of the engine.
file  TcsUserData.h
 A class for describing and managing data/rendering in a particular thread and associated camera, stream.
file  ThreadCameraStreamData.h
 A class for describing and managing data/rendering in a particular thread and associated camera, stream.
file  Vector3.h
 A 3D Vector class and its operations.
file  Vector4.h
 A simple 4D vector class.
file  WindVolume.h
 Defines an area of a given wind speed and direction.