SilverLining (tm) Release Notes Version 7.01 June 14, 2024 - Changes to allow inclusion of GL extensions in user shaders with OPENGL32CORE renderer Version 7.00 January 31, 2024 - Official release of Vulkan support! - Rocky/VSG sample integration added ( - Fix depth of sky under Vulkan to allow drawing the sky after terrain Version 6.42 January 24, 2024 (Windows only) - Fix handling of device loss in Direct3D 9 Version 6.41 January 6, 2024 - Add Atmosphere::SettingsChanged method (Vulkan only), allowing updated VulkanInitInfo data to be associated with SilverLining at runtime. Only renderPass, sampleCount, colorFormat, and depthFormat may be changed on the fly. - More sophisticated built-in memory management with Vulkan to reduce the number of memory blocks allocated on the GPU. You may still plug in your own memory manager as well. - Building SilverLining for Vulkan now requires C++17 - RandomNumberGenerator::Seed() now takes an unsigned integer (this avoids compiler issues with gcc's optimizer that could lead to infinite loops on startup) Version 6.40 January 3, 2024 - Remove usage of VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_FRONT_FACE in Vulkan mode - Add VulkanSceneGraph and Diligent examples to Linux SDK Version 6.39 January 3, 2024 - Increase size of shared vertex buffers for clouds under Vulkan in order to limit the number of allocated objects on the GPU Version 6.38 January 2, 2024 - Experimental beta Vulkan support! Refer to updated documentation, the new Vulkan samples, and the Sundog Blog at - Atmosphere::SetOutputScale and Atmosphere::GetOutputScale now take a Vector3 instead of a single floating point value. - Fix compatibility with Diligent Engine's OpenGL renderer - Added Diligent Engine, Vulkan, and VulkanSceneGraph samples - Fix calculation of projection matrix while rendering precipitation - Removed config settings for near and far NDC clip planes (they are no longer used) - Fix depth write and blend state leakage when drawing crepuscular rays - Fix render target leakage when drawing shadow maps - Add x64 targets in OpenGL multi-threaded sample Version 6.37 September 8, 2023 - Fix bug where passing true for useDepthBuffer on CloudLayer::SetPrecipitation() would still modify the projection matrix used to draw precipitation (making depth testing impossible in this case) Version 6.36 August 3, 2023 - Make CloudLayer::OverrideCloudColor take effect immediately when called at runtime - Add optional geocentric parameter in Atmosphere::DrawSky() and Atmosphere::DrawObjects() in the C# interface Version 6.35 June 24, 2023 - Fix compiler issues with RHEL (Linux) Version 6.34 June 12, 2023 - Reverted to our older algorithm for positioning individual clouds in geocentric databases; this should prevent banding of clouds in osgEarth. If you find this creates new problems, please let us know at, and you can set the previous behavior back by setting alternate-geocentric-adjustment = yes in the Resources/SilverLining.config file. Version 6.33 April 27, 2023 - Added optional distanceInside parameter to CloudLayer::IsInsideCloud(). This may be used to modulate visibility effects in your scene based on how far into a cloud the viewpoint is. This is only an estimate based on bounding boxes, for performance. Version 6.32 April 17, 2023 - Added CIRROSTRATUS cloud type - Make index buffers context-specific - Make geocentric cloud altitudes thread-specific - Beginnings of internal work for Vulkan support Version 6.31 March 28, 2023 - Fix bug in positioning cumulus clouds in non-infinite, geocentric, wrapping cloud layers Version 6.30 March 9, 2023 - Update Windows target platform in vc14 projects to 10.0.22000.0 Version 6.29 March 3, 2023 - Automatically disable bindless indirect rendering of cumulus clouds when an OpenGL core profile (non-compatibility) is in use - Update OpenGL 3.2 core sample app to actually use a core profile, when linked against freeglut. Version 6.28 February 9, 2023 - Fix stratus cloud lighting when cloud color override is in use Version 6.27 November 20, 2022 - Add some null checks to prevent crashing when using the API before initializing - Fix bug in atmospheric limb shader for OpenGL 32 core renderer. Version 6.26 October 18, 2022 - Fix access violation when initializing non-infinite stratus clouds Version 6.25 August 22, 2022 - Added Atmosphere::GetBillboardShaderInstanced() for retrieving the shader handle to instanced billboards. If you are passing uniforms to custom shaders, you will need this shader program for affecting the instanced cumulus cloud puffs, and in addition you will need Atmosphere::GetBillboardShader() to retrieve the non-instanced billboard shader used for the sun and moon. Version 6.24 August 3, 2022 - Fix Atmosphere::GetBillboardShader() to return the instanced version of the shader when instancing is in use. - Dropped support for Visual Studio 2010, 2012, and 2013. Visual Studio 2015 is now the minimum version supported (the new Effects11 library forced our hand on this.) A build of the previous version will be preserved if you need it; contact if you need a link. - Added Visual Studio 2022 support; look for "vc143" libraries, projects, and DLL's if you select Visual Studio 2022 when installing the SDK. Visual Studio 2017 and 2109 users may continue to use the vc14 libraries, provided "global optimization" is not used when building your app. - Updated Visual C++ runtime distributables for Visual Studio 2015-2022 - Updated Effects11 library for DirectX to latest release - Fix stratus cloud layers to compute and store look up data only once. Version 6.23 June 9, 2022 - Fix precipitation in OPENGL renderer Version 6.22 May 21, 2022 - Improve performance of STRATOCUMULUS_PARTCILES in low visiblity conditions - Fix seams across channels when inside cumulus clouds - Fix particle shader compile error in OpenGL32 renderer Version 6.21 February 9, 2022 - Fix bindless/indirect rendering in the OPENGL renderer (speeds it up a lot) Version 6.20 February 7, 2022 - Read from rain-velocity-factor every frame instead of only at startup - Added snow-velocity-factor and sleet-velocity-factor settings. - Always clamp alpha values to 1.0 internally, even with HDR enabled. Version 6.19 January 20, 2022 - Added lightning-length-extension config option - Recreate virga and lightning when SetBaseAltitude is called on a cumulonimbus layer - Fix NO_GLU define flag Version 6.18 January 18, 2022 - Allow setting of different times & locations per view (using tcsData parameters) Version 6.17 January 6, 2022 - Fix issue where OPENGL renderer was assuming UBO's were bound to location 0 - Port dithering (anti-color-banding) to OPENGL32CORE renderer - Added a note into SilverLining.config documenting that cumulus-draw-bindless-indirect will use UBO's no matter what you've set use-ubos to. Version 6.16 December 28, 2021 - Added Atmosphere::ForceMoonPhaseAngle() to allow forcing both waning and waxing moon phases if required. Version 6.15 December 13, 2021 - Introduced dithering in OpenGL renderers to combat banding artifacts at dawn/dusk. This is implemented within the Shaders/UserFunctions-frag.glsl file; it can be disabled via the #define DITHER at the top of the file. If you are using your own UserFunctions-frag.glsl, you might want to consider integrating the new default code in our writeFragmentData function to pick up this change. - Fix ability to change lightning discharge modes at runtime on cumulonimbus layers. Version 6.14 November 16, 2021 - Properly restore camera matrices after rendering environment map faces version 6.013 October 19, 2021 - Moved TimeZone enumeration into the SilverLining namespace - Fix up StaticOpenGLReleaseDLL target in vc14 project solution - Consistently use forward slashes for resource paths internally Version 6.012 October 14, 2021 - Added shadow-fade config option to control whether cloud shadows have the "fade toward edges" effect applied to them or not. Version 6.011 October 13, 2021 - Add tcsData parameter to CloudLayer::SetDensityMultiplier / GetDensityMultiplier - Ensure cloud layer curve mode is applied across each view when using tcsData Version 6.010 October 12, 2021 - Fix uninitialized member variables in Metaball class - Added tcsData parameter to Atmosphere::SetInfraRedMode Version 6.009 July 22, 2021 - Include OpenGL32Example and OpenGLMultiThreadedSample in Linux distribution - Try not to leave our textures bound (the app is still responsible for resetting any assumptions about the current state when using the OPENGL32CORE renderer however) - Change default GLSL version in the user shaders from 150 to 450 in the OPENGL32CORE renderer Version 6.008 July 6, 2021 - Prevent crash when calling Atmosphere::Initialize() before MetaballTextureManager has been created - Ensure buffers in OpenGL are unbound when we are done with them Version 6.007 June 19, 2021 - Fix CMake files for OSG samples Version 6.006 June 11, 2021 - (Linux-only release) Fix Makefile to avoid conflicts from object files with duplicate names, and to avoid unnecessary recompiling Version 6.005 June 5, 2021 - Fix saving and restoring cloud layers that use a cloud atlas (towering cumulus, cumulonimbus, and cumulus congestus hi-res.) You will need to re-save layers to pick up this fix. Version 6.004 April 14, 2021 - Fix synchronization of lightning strikes across multiple views Version 6.003 March 22, 2021 - Fix broken shaders on systems that do not support OpenGL 4 (eg MacOS) - Updated documentation for ThreadCameraStreamData for restrictions with bindless graphics and occlusion queries when using deferred rendering mode - Fixed several bugs with deferred rendering mode - ThreadCameraStreamData::DeInitialize() must now be called prior to deleting an Atmosphere it is tied to Version 6.002 March 17, 2021 - Fix potential crash when removing and recreating cloud layers - Check that cloud texture atlas files for CB and TCU layers are TGA files prior to loading them - Fix fogging of stars in geocentric mode - Fix incorrect textures when certain cloud layer types were used together - Fix Atmosphere::ReloadCumulusTextures Version 6.001 March 14, 2021 - Fix MacOS build errors - Prevent Atmosphere::Initialize from modifying the GL state - Fix fallback logic for systems that do not support OpenGL 4 Version 6.000 March 13, 2021 - Official release of new multi-threaded capabilities! See docs for the new ThreadCameraStreamData class to learn how to use it, and the new multi-threaded sample apps. - Fixed thread safety issues with Lens Flare - Single-batch / bindless rendering of cumulus clouds ported to OPENGL renderer. This can render every cumulus layer in a single draw call, and double performance in some cases! - Single-batch / bindless now enabled by default (see cumulus-draw-bindless-indirect) - Made lens flare effect more reliable. Note, this may come at a performance cost when the sun is in view. If so, try disabling occlusion tests with lens-flare-disable-occlusion Version 5.108 March 9, 2021 - Modified OSG multi-window example to use new multi-threaded API - Added null check within Atmosphere::IsInitialized() - Default tcsData now initialized within Atmosphere::PreInit(), which now requires a rightHanded parameter as a result. - Fix thread safety issue within Atmosphere::GetShadowMap when moonShadows parameter is false. Version 5.107 March 6, 2021 - Fix bug that could leak state from SilverLining and potentially cause a crash in some applications Version 5.106 February 25, 2021 - Reduce memory usage - Ensure shaders are bound before setting uniforms (needed for fallback case when UBO's and glProgramUniform are not available) - Fix thread safety issues with shadow maps and environment maps - Fix orientation of non-infinite geocentric cloud layers when multi-threaded - Added textures-are-shared config option to allow or prevent sharing of textures across contexts - Fix thread safety issues with stratocumulus clouds Version 5.105 February 22, 2021 - Fix thread safety issues in Atmosphere::IsInitialized() - Document that Atmosphere::Initialize() requires synchronization - Added stratus-fog-render-cutoff setting to prevent discontinuities at stratus cloud bottom / scud boundary - Multi-threaded rendering capabilities ported to OPENGL renderer (see docs for ThreadCameraStreamData class for details) Version 5.104 February 17, 2021 - Fix thread safety issues in Renderer::PopAllState() - Refactoring for thread-safety in OPENGL renderer Version 5.103 February 16, 2021 - Improve multi-view precipitation - Update OSG shadow sample to use new GetObjects() API - Performance improvements Version 5.102 February 9, 2021 - Make ResourceLoader::SetRendererDLLDirPath more robust to use of trailing slashes and forward / back slashes - Fix compile errors under gcc3 - Performance improvements - Bug fixes in OPENGL renderer - Fixes for environment maps - Fixes for user shaders - Added AtmosphericConditions::HasCloudLayer() - Fixes for memory management when using new TCSData objects - Ability to render cumulus cloud layers in a single batch (OPENGL32CORE renderer only for now) Enable the setting cumulus-draw-bindless-indirect to try it out! - Changed Atmosphere::GetObjects() to take in a SL_VECTOR destination parameter to allow for thread safety Version 5.101 February 1, 2021 - Added documentation for the ThreadCameraStream class and the OpenGLMultiThreadedSample illustrating how to use SilverLining's new multi-threaded rendering capabilities for the OPENGL32CORE renderer. - Further bug fixes related to multi-threaded rendering support Version 5.100 January 29, 2021 - No longer assume stratocumulus layers are instantiated after the Renderer is initialized - Debug target of vc14 SilverLining project now creates Multi-threaded Debug target and not Multi-threaded Debug DLL - Debug and DebugDLL targets in vc14 now output into the production lib or resources directory and not into a separate Debug directory - Handles missing star-catalog-file config setting properly - Added ResourceLoader::SetRendererDLLDirPath and ResourceLoader::GetRendererDLLDirPath to allow setting an explicit directory of your own for SilverLining's renderer DLL's on Windows. Version 5.099 January 28, 2021 - Added stratocumulus-read-depth config setting - Make code compilable under C++17 - Fix cumulonimbus lighting when changing time of day while lightning is firing - Fix bugs associated with lightning branch management Version 5.098 January 19, 2021 - Continued internal refactoring for thread-safety Version 5.097 January 3, 2021 - Continued internal refactoring for thread-safety Version 5.096 December 23, 2020 - Continued internal refactoring for thread-safety - New star-catalog-file config setting to allow user-provided star data. Version 5.095 December 22, 2020 - Fix IsInsideCloud API for all cloud layers - Update individual stratocumulus clouds properly - Continued internal refactoring for thread-safety - Removed some unnecessary internal locking - Fix bug with arrayed delete - Fix bug with sleet; unbind vertex/index buffer after rendering Version 5.094 December 4, 2020 - Revert Index type back to int from short; needed for large stratus clouds. Version 5.093 December 2, 2020 - Further cloud flicker fixes Version 5.092 December 2, 2020 - Fix cloud flicker issue introduced in 5.090. Version 5.091 December 1, 2020 - Fix changing layer position or base altitude of STRATOCUMULUS_PARTICLES cloud layers Version 5.090 November 29, 2020 - Fix origin point of cumulus mediocris clouds - Halve the memory consumed by index buffers for cumulus clouds - Continued internal refactoring for thread-safety Version 5.089 November 21, 2020 - UBO binding points are now read from the shader at runtime, instead of assuming it (OpenGL 3.2 renderer only) - Internal map of uniforms to UBO's will ignore non-SilverLining UBO's (OpenGL 3.2 renderer only) - Optimized MetaballTextureManager::GetWispTexture (was a hotspot) Version 5.088 November 18, 2020 - Validate cloud model files have the expected extension before processing them. Version 5.087 November 16, 2020 - Fix gaps in infinite stratocumulus layers - More visual tweaks for stratocumulus - Fix HDR mode with stratocumulus - Continued internal refactoring for thread-safety Version 5.086 November 11, 2020 - Fix bug related to reloading user shaders introduced in previous version - Continued internal refactoring for thread-safety Version 5.085 November 7, 2020 - CloudLayer::AddCloudAt() API regression resolved - Continued internal refactoring for thread-safety (the Renderer class is no longer a singleton) Version 5.084 November 1, 2020 - Any #version or #extension directives found in user shaders with the OPENGL renderer will be forced to be the first lines automatically - Fix regressions in the sky caused by optimizations in 5.083 Version 5.083 October 19, 2020 - Performance improvements - Continued internal refactoring for thread-safety Version 5.082 October 16, 2020 - Fix cumulus cloud lighting in geocentric coordinate systems - Correct documentation for CloudLayer::SetThickness() and how it affects cumulonimbus clouds. Version 5.081 October 15, 2020 - Fix build errors on some Linux systems - Continued internal refactoring for thread-safety Version 5.080 October 12, 2020 - Added stratocumulus-light-exponent config setting, to make stratocumulus clouds darker under moonlight. - Reduced amount of noise applied to stratocumulus clouds - Further internal work for upcoming multi-threaded support Version 5.079 September 28, 2020 - API changes: -CloudLayerFactory::Create now takes an additional const reference to the Atmosphere indicating the atmosphere to which the underlining CloudLayer belongs to. Consequently, a CloudLayer cannot belong in multiple atmospheres. This makes sense design wise, as well as notionally. It's also needed to make ongoing changes to support multiple threads, multiple views. -Consequently, CloudLayer constructor takes an additional const reference to the atmosphere it belongs to. -The samples have been changed accordingly to account for the API changes above. - Fixed a bug in the initialization of Camera frustum. Functions to initialize Frustum and Plane to 0 value. - Continued internal rearchitecture for future multi-threaded rendering support. In view of supporting this, some public methods in Atmosphere, AtmosphericConditions and CloudLayer now take a void* parameter that defaults to 0, and hence does not affect current API usage. Version 5.078 September 26, 2020 - Support CloudLayer::SetRoundEdges() on STRATOCUMULUS cloud type - Ability to name render textures (similar to cube map textures), OpenGL32 only - Fix crash in HDR mode - STRATOCUMULUS clouds are no longer streteched vertically to fill the specified layer thickness. See updated documentation for CloudLayer::SetThickness() for details. - Various visual and performance improvements to STRATOCUMULUS - STRATOCUMULUS now works on MacOS - Cloud layer serialization format has changed; be sure to re-save any cloud layers Version 5.077 August 22, 2020 - Fix crash on AMD/ATI video cards - Increase performance of stratocumulus clouds - Prevent stratocumulus cloud layers from being "clipped" at their edges Version 5.076 August 18, 2020 - Fix potential crash in billboard rendering Version 5.075 August 17, 2020 - If the sl_* variables are used in user shaders, they *need not* be declared in the user shaders. - User shaders now have #defines indicating which function in which shader is being referenced/overridden (SKY_SHADER, PARTICLE_SHADER, etc). Therefore, custom user shaders/modifications should have the corresponding #defines added/copied over from the template user shaders Version 5.074 August 16, 2020 - Improved VAO management - Fix issues with FBO and render texture management for cube maps in OPENGL32CORE renderer - Fix use of user shaders with non-default file names Version 5.073 August 12, 2020 - Fix precision issues with snow particles - Restore compatibility with drivers that only support OpenGL 3 (eg, MacOS) - Performance tuning regarding use of VAO's in OpenGL Version 5.072 July 15, 2020 - UBO's now enabled in the OPENGL renderer (in addition to OPENGL32CORE) - Avoid map lookups for uniform names in OpenGL - GLSL shaders have all been merged into the GLSL15 shaders. Any user modifications to the glsl shaders will need to be moved over to glsl15. #ifdef OPENGL can be used for OpenGL 2.x specific code. This change does not affect the "user shader" files. Version 5.071 June 19, 2020 - UBO's applied to additional shaders in OpenGL 3.2 renderer (OPENGL32CORE); results in measurable performance gains - UBO's enabled by default now in OpenGL 3.2 now. - Roll back billboard matrix changes in 5.070 Version 5.070 June 1, 2020 - Slight tweaks to billboard matrix - Add sort-clouds-by-layer, stratus-force-planar-sort, and stratocumulus-force-planar-sort config options Version 5.069 April 30, 2020 - Richer cloud lighting effects for cumulus congestus and stratocumulus-particles Version 5.068 April 27, 2020 - Get use-ubo's option working with Visual Studio 2010, 2012 - Make uniform location caching safer in OpenGL - Don't apply billboard fading with camera distance while rendering shadow maps Version 5.067 April 1, 2020 - New "use-ubos" setting for OPENGL32CORE renderer; enables use of uniform buffer objects for cloud billboards. Doesn't result in any performance gains so far, so it's off by default. - Precision fixes for sleet Version 5.066 February 20, 2020 - Improved accuracy of STRATOCUMULUS clouds reaching specified coverage - Added alternative puff-alpha-small.tga texture for improved performance of stratocumulus_particles on DirectX. Set the config setting stratocumulus-particles-texture-name to use it. - Added cumulus-voxel-size-variation setting to allow control over the random variation in cloud puff sizes. - Precision fixes for rain - Added function GetPrecipitationShader(). Each precipitation type has its own specialized shader. So, the type needs to be specified. - Original GetPrecipitation() function is now deprecated. Version 5.065 January 13, 2020 - Added option precip-particles-use-staging-buffer (on by default; may improve performance of precipitation in most applications.) Version 5.064 January 8, 2020 - Performance improvements for rain, sleet, and snow in the OPENGL32CORE renderer - now twice as fast! - OpenGL32 Example moved to GLUT instead of GLUS framework - Fixed check for shader link errors in OPENGL_32 renderer - Fix shader compiler errors on some drivers in stratocumulus clouds Version 5.063 January 3, 2019 - Added option: billboard-spin-enabled-override-disabled - Fix Atmosphere::GetCloudBounds() to include stratocumulus and stratocumulus_particles clouds Version 5.062 November 15, 2019 - Fix positions of sun / moon / stars in left-handed geocentric coordinate systems - DirectX 10 support removed Version 5.061 October 26, 2019 - Bring back the older API's for CloudLayer::HasPrecipitationAtPosition and CloudLayer::IsInsideCloud that take x,y,z coordinates instead of a Camera object. We will need to deprecate these in SilverLining 6, though. Version 5.060 October 23, 2019 - Fix Atmosphere::DisableFarCulling() on cumulus clouds - Add precip-min-dt and precip-max-dt config settings. Version 5.059 October 16, 2019 - Performance optimization for DirectX 11 Version 5.058 September 26, 2019 - Add stratus-coverage-exponent config setting to allow control of how stratus cloud coverage works. Version 5.057 September 23, 2019 - Fix tiling of stratus clouds when the stratus-scale-factor setting is set above 1.0 Version 5.056 September 18, 2019 - Fix curvature of infinite stratus clouds - Make curve-toward-ground-radius-scale setting affect stratus clouds Version 5.055 September 5, 2019 - Fix AtmosphericConditions::SetFog() such that the fog color passed in is used to fog stratus clouds Version 5.054 August 27, 2019 - Windows-only release - Change Effects11 library to be Visual Studio 2017-friendly Version 5.053 August 21, 2019 - Avoid unnecessay glGetError() calls in OpenGL 3.2+ renderer - Remove Atmosphere::ShadowMapReset() and potential bug on rendering shadows on the first frame Version 5.052 August 13, 2019 - Fix compatibility issue with OpenGL 3.2+ renderer and Intel HD graphics Version 5.051 July 11, 2019 - Improve appearance of flying through cumulus clouds Version 5.050 July 8, 2019 - Fix artifacts at edges of non-infinite stratus clouds in DX11 Version 5.049 June 27, 2019 - Fix GLInvalidOperation errors when enabling glare effects in OpenGL 32 core profile - Fix potential cloud orientation issues when using left-handed coordinate systems Version 5.048 June 17, 2019 - Fix potential crash after calling CloudLayer::ClearClouds() on a stratus cloud layer. - Fix private documentation for full source SDK Version 5.047 June 4, 2019 - Clarify in docs that GetSunPosition / GetMoonPosition / GetSunOrMoonPosition all assume negative-Z is "North." Left-handed coordinate system users may need to negate the Z value returned. - Add new config settings cumulonimbus-voxel-flattening and towering-cumulus-voxel-flattening - Add some random variation to cumulus congestus voxel heights Version 5.046 April 30, 2019 - Cloud backdrops are deprecated and have now been removed - CloudLayer::HasPrecipitationAtPosition now takes a camera instead of x,y,z - CloudLayer::IsInsideCloud now takes a camera instead of x,y,z - Improve appearance of lightning in DirectX 11; fix potential culling issues with lightning Version 5.045 March 16, 2019 - Fix velocity of precipitation when multiple cameras are used Version 5.044 March 8, 2019 - Test for invalid pixel outputs in stratus shaders - Add warning to SilverLining.config to not set stratus-scud-thickness to 0 - Added config setting 'sandstorm-fog-altitude-multiplier', which allows how sooner or later the sandstorm fogging kicks in, as you descend into it. - Protect against density > 1.0 in stratus clouds Version 5.043 February 7, 2019 - Fix stratocumulus clouds in geocentric when specifying altitudes relative to center of Earth - Fix case of rotating a stratocumulus layer without changing its position Version 5.042 January 30, 2019 - Automatically reduce fog/haze on stars with altitude Version 5.041 January 22, 2019 - Atmosphere::SetDepthRange() will not attempt to modify the near and far viewport settings in DirectX if far < near (ie with reverse depth buffers.) - Clarified this behavior in the docs, as well as documenting that the clearDepth parameter on Atmosphere::DrawSky() will clear the depth to 1.0 in DirectX. Version 5.040 December 18, 2018 - Fix appearance of non-infinite stratus clouds viewed from the side in geocentric mode. Version 5.039 December 17, 2018 - Fix visibility effects within geocentric sandstorms - Fix appearance of non-infinite stratus cloud layers at the edges Version 5.038 December 11, 2018 - Improve particle rotation effects with towering cumulus & cumulonimbus - Added config settings for stratocumulus-particles-distance-fade-length and stratocumulus-particles-distance-fade-min to allow adjustment of fading out stratocumulus particles if you get too close to them (to hide particle effects) Version 5.037 December 4, 2018 - Further visual improvements to cumulus textures and lighting - Further prevent cumulus cloud particle rotation Version 5.036 November 30, 2018 - Fix lighting on cumulonimbus and towering cumulus clouds Version 5.035 November 29, 2018 - New cumulus-billboards-per-cloud setting (on by default) prevents individual puffs within a cumulus or stratocumulus-particles cloud from rotating independently from each other - Reduce billboard rotation when looking straight up or down - Visual improvements to cumulus clouds - Prevent blocking waiting for lens flare occlusion tests - Added cumulus-congestus-ambient-scattering-hi-res setting to allow independent adjustment of hi-res cumulus cloud brightness - Cloud layer serialization format changed; any saved cloud layers will need to be re-saved. Version 5.034 November 6, 2018 - Add cumulus-voxel-flattening config setting. - Fix line shader (used in lightning) Version 5.033 October 28, 2018 - Fix potential crash / sorting issues with non-infinite stratocumulus and stratus cloud layers. Version 5.032 October 16, 2018 - Fix fading of stratocumulus_particles cloud layers when specified via CloudLayer::SetEnabled(). Version 5.031 October 11, 2018 - Fix orientation of cloud billboard particles in renderers other than Atmosphere::OPENGL - Make lens flare effect work better with reverse depth buffers Version 5.030 October 10, 2018 - Continued internal rearchitecture for future multi-threaded rendering support - API changes: -Atmosphere::DrawObjects() takes an additional parameter for specifying whether rendering is to be done in geocentric mode (mirroring Atmosphere::DrawSky(). The default value is false. -Atmosphere::GetEnvironmentMap() takes an additional parameter for specifying whether it is the geocentric mode we are rendering/updating with. The default value is false. -Atmosphere::UpdateSkyAndClouds() takes an additional parameter for specifying whether updating is to be done in geocentric mode. The default value is false. Version 5.029 October 5, 2018 - Make precipitation work with reverse depth buffers if *-use-depth-buffer settings are on "yes" Version 5.028 September 25, 2018 - Expose the clearDepth parameter in Atmosphere::DrawSky() and the Atmosphere::SetDepthRange() function to the sample C# wrapper Version 5.027 September 23, 2018 - Continued internal rearchitecture for future multi-threaded rendering support Version 5.026 September 20, 2018 - Imposter support has been removed. Consequently, these options are no longer valid/used: -disable-imposters -imposter-texture-dimension -max-imposter-updates-per-frame -imposter-slop-value - Continued internal rearchitecture for future multi-threaded rendering support Version 5.025 September 8, 2018 - cumulus-lighting-quick-and-dirty option has been removed - cumulus-lighting-quick-and-dirty-attenuation option has been renamed to cumulus-lighting-attenuation - cumulus-lighting-quick-and-dirty-attenuation-hi-res option has been renamed to cumulus-lighting-attenuation-hi-res - Continued internal rearchitecture for future multi-threaded rendering support Version 5.024 September 6, 2018 - Fix snow when using multiple views on a single Atmosphere instance - Fix density multiplier on cumulus cloud layers - Continued internal rearchitecture for future multi-threaded rendering support Version 5.023 August 27, 2018 - Fix build issues on Ubuntu 18 - Continued internal rearchitecture for future multi-threaded rendering support Version 5.022 August 13, 2018 - Doubled the default setting of stratocumulus-max-size to 100,000, now that modern GPU's can handle it. - Continued internal rearchitecture for future multi-threaded rendering support Version 5.021 July 17, 2018 - Ensure changes to AtmosphericConditions::SetVisibility() affects cloud culling immediately. Version 5.020 June 16, 2018 - Improve precision of shadow maps - Fix shadow maps on stratocumulus clouds when passing wholeLayers=false into Atmosphere::GetShadowMap Version 5.019 May 25, 2018 - Fix potential hang on STRATOCUMULUS_PARTICLES on the first frame - Added config setting "sort-by-screen-depth", which allows you to sort clouds based on distance from the camera instead of by screen depth. This can result in better behavior when dealing with large, non-infinite cloud layers and in better consistency across mutiple cameras, but at the expense of "popping" artifacts resulting from the sort order changing as the camera moves. - Continued internal rearchitecture for future multi-threaded rendering support Version 5.018 May 15, 2018 - Fixed some minor memory leaks at shutdown - Fixed sorting of STRATOCUMULUS_PARTICLES cloud layers that are not infinite - Continued internal rearchitecture for future multi-threaded rendering support Version 5.017 May 2, 2018 - Fix clipping of non-infinite stratus cloud layers - Fix shadows on infinite STRATOCUMULUS cloud layers - Remove outdated Ogre3D samples - Continued internal rearchitecture for future multi-threaded rendering support Version 5.016 April 24, 2018 - Fix Version.h header file - Start of internal rearchitecture to use Camera objects instead of global camera matrices Version 5.015 April 16, 2018 - Expand cloud layer bounds to account for cumulus cloud wrapping (fixes artifacts at edges of shadow maps) - Improve shadow map resolution - More precise cloud curvature on infinite cumulus cloud layers in geocentric mode Version 5.014 April 11, 2018 - Fix compile errors in Atmosphere.glsl15 - Fix memory leak when destroying a STRATOCUMULUS_PARTICLES cloud layer. - enforce-strict-weak-ordering = yes may be added into SilverLining.config (or SilverLining.override) in the unlikely event that you encounter crashes inside the comp() function inside Atmosphere.cpp - Draw virga relative to the virga's center position to protect against precision issues - Virga rendering is more efficient - Added Atmosphere::GetLineShader() to expose the shader used for lightning in some renderers. Version 5.013 April 3, 2018 - Ensure cloud growth is only applied to CUMULUS_CONGESTUS cloud types in CloudLayer::SetAnimationEffects(). - Make C# wrapper 64-bit safe. Version 5.012 March 28, 2018 - Speed up computation of sky colors - Fix documentation of parameters in the overrideStratocumulus user shader function. - Protect against crash if a STRATOCUMULUS_PARTICLES cloud layer is created under 10,000 meters in size with wrapping and wind enabled. - Fix result of Atmosphere::GetObjectPosition() on STRATOCUMULUS_PARTICLES cloud layers if you are not in a flat, Y-up coordinate system. Version 5.011 March 8, 2018 - Allow SetDensityMultiplier() to work on non-infinite cloud layers - Fix some memory leaks at shutdown - Address compiler errors on Debian 9 Version 5.010 February 20, 2018 - Add Atmosphere::PreInit() method to enable creation of CloudLayer objects prior to calling Atmosphere::Initialize() and having a graphics context in place. Note you still need an initialized Atmosphere and an active context in order to call CloudLayer::SeedClouds(); this only allows you to instantiate the CloudLayer objects with CloudLayerFactory::Create() at an earlier point in your engine. Version 5.009 February 19, 2018 - Fix incorrect lens flare textures on Linux - C# sample updated to use Visual Studio 2017. Pre-built DLL's are now 64-bit. - Fix appearance of cumulus clouds (non-hi-res) when lazy-voxel-creation is set to "no" Version 5.008 February 2, 2018 - Windows-only release - Updated C# sample against latest SDK version Version 5.007 January 28, 2018 - Return NULL from CloudLayerFactory::Create() if the Atmosphere has not yet been initialized. - Increase default alpha setting for STRATUS clouds - Fix anomalies on very thick STRATUS clouds with 100% coverage Version 5.006 December 14, 2017 - Flip depth function when reverse Z is on in DirectX. - Add fogFade parameter to overrideBillboardFog function in Billboard.glsl and UserFunctions.glsl for consistency with OpenGL 3.2 shaders. Be sure to update your user functions to include thise new parameter! Version 5.005 November 21, 2017 - Add cumulonimbus-illuminate-from-lightning config setting. - Don't pollute the alpha channel in OpenGL 3.2 mode - Fix bug that required CloudLayer::SetLightningDischargeMode() to be called after SeedClouds() - Add fogFade parameter in OpenGL 3.2 user shaders' overrideBillboardFog. Be sure to update your own UserFunctions.glsl15 file accordingly if you are using it. - Fog lightning bolts based on their center position, not their top Version 5.004 October 14, 2017 - Fix cloud layer bounds on first frame - Fix always-apply-state setting when a non-static renderer is used Version 5.003 October 10, 2017 - Add "always-apply-state" config setting to disable lazy setting of culling, blending, and fog states (can fix state leakage issues when managing your own drawing.) - Fix OpenGL resource leaks from virga textures and user shader objects. Version 5.002 September 1, 2017 - Improvements to the CloudEditor application - Fix GCC 6 compatibility - Fix voxel sorting in geocentric systems Version 5.001 August 22, 2017 - Ensure clouds are not fogged or hazed in the shadow pass - Improve performance of storm clouds further Version 5.0 August 9, 2017 - All-new cumulonimbus and towering cumulus clouds! New models, better lighting, and better performance. - The cloud layer file format has changed - be sure to recreate any saved cloud layers you have. - Cumulonimbus clouds are now scaled based on the requested thickness (height), not width, of the layer. - Ensure Atmosphere::GetShadowMap() uses latest projection & modelview matrices. - Cloud backdrops are now disabled by default (via use-cloud-backdrops setting in SilverLining.config) They cause stutters and are no longer worth it on modern hardware. - Cumulonimbus clouds now expand their culling bounds to extend to the ground. - Increased size of stratocumulus_particles voxels to ensure they overlap better. Version 4.083 June 30, 2017 - Non-const version of Atmosphere::GetConditions() now updates the internal "current atmosphere" - Work around NVidia / CentOS driver bug with atan - Cloud layers now save and restore their alpha value. This means the cloud layer file format has changed, so any saved cloud layers will need to be recreated. Version 4.082 June 8, 2017 - Fix potential stalls with cumulus clouds in OpenGL - Integrate lightning with user shaders in OpenGL 3.2 renderer Version 4.081 May 18, 2017 - Fix divide by zero error in CloudBackdropManager - Fix Atmosphere::GetSunOrMoonColor() Version 4.080 May 12, 2017 - Change CloudLayer::Intersect to treat cloud puffs as spheres instead of billboards Version 4.079 April 14, 2017 - Ensure all client state is pushed and popped in OpenGL 2 Version 4.078 March 15, 2017 - Tweaked cumulus congestus hi-res texture - Change default cloud layer alpha to 0.8 - Added shadow-sun-height-cutoff config setting - Added shadowFactor parameter to Atmosphere::GetShadowMap() - Get glares working again (still off by default) - Improve accuracy of atmospheric limb effect Version 4.077 February 14, 2017 - Added cumulus-minimum-voxel-size-factor to enforce minimum # of voxels relative to cloud size - Flatten stratocumulus particles for a more "stretched out" look. Adjustible via stratocumulus-voxel-flattening - Add overcastBlend parameter on Atmosphere::DrawSky() - Fix cloud shadows on STRATOCUMULUS_PARTICLES cloud layers - Fix appearance of infinite STRATOCUMULUS_PARTICLES layers with rounded edges - Added cumulus-minimum-spin-height setting to help appearance of small CUMULUS_CONGESTUS_HI_RES clouds. - Brightened up cumulus clouds - Cube / environment maps under DirectX are now generated with texture faces flipped, in accordance with DirectX conventions. If you want to preserve how it worked before, set the new config setting flip-dx-cube-map-faces to "no". Version 4.076 January 26, 2017 - Fix potential issues with backface culling state in DirectX - Improve cloud layer sorting of infinite / non-infinte layers - lens-flare-disable-occlusion also disables framebuffer read-back now - Improve behavior when crepuscular-rays-always-on is "yes", and make it the new default - Fix potential crash at shudown in OpenGL 3.2 renderer - Added stratus-write-depth-density-test for a specific customer Version 4.075 December 18, 2016 - Make Atmosphere::ForceLightingRecompute() affect STRATOCUMULUS_PARTICLES clouds. - Tweaked cloud puff textures - Fix texture corruption when using cumulonimbus clouds Version 4.074 December 5, 2016 - Fix edge cases when sorting cloud layers - Improved STRATOCUMULUS_PARTICLES performance - Improve orientation of hi-res cloud particles - Fix STRATOCUMULUS_PARTICLES culling - Atmosphere::DrawSky may be called with drawStars on but drawSky off - Seeding the random number generator must now by done via SilverLining::RandomNumberGenerator::Seed() (you can get the random number generator instance with Atmosphere::GetRandomNumberGenerator()). Don't use srand() to sync your channels any longer! - New default random number generator for Windows with larger range of values. - Fix precipitation if drawn more than once per frame - Smooth precipitation streak lengths over time to account for apps with unstable framerates Version 4.073 November 11, 2016 - Ensure environment maps don't mess up the billboard matrix for cloud particles. - Push/pop state in Atmosphere::DrawBackdrops() - Make cloud seeding safer when using multiple Atmosphere objects - Fix crash on MacOS Version 4.072 November 3, 2016 - Remove usage of ifstream that conflicts with OpenSceneGraph Version 4.071 November 2, 2016 - More lighting from lightning fixes Version 4.070 November 1, 2016 - Improve sorting of stratocumulus_particles cloud quads - Fix lighting from lightning when environment maps are used Version 4.069 October 27, 2016 - Fix usage of OpenGL 3.2+ vertex array objects to restore compatibility with multiple contexts with shared lists Version 4.068 October 25, 2016 - New enable-renderer-object-names SilverLining.config setting for enabling use of glObjectLabel (helps with NSight debugging) Version 4.067 October 18, 2016 - Fix cloud backdrops with CUMULUS_CONGESTUS_HI_RES - Better matching of STRATOCUMULUS_PARTICLES and CUMULUS_CONGESTUS lighting - Improved cloud layer sorting - Improved CUMULUS_CONGESTUS_HI_RES and STRATOCUMULUS_PARTICLES textures - Don't leak device context when shutting down in DX11 Version 4.066 October 4, 2016 - Roll back use of texture compression on clouds under OpenGL 3.2. It caused artifacts on some systems. - Sort localized (non-infinite) cloud layers taking their position into account - Fix lightning on OpenGL 3.2 core profile Version 4.065 September 27, 2016 - Lightning apperance tuning - Higher-resolution CUMULUS_CONGESTUS_HI_RES textures - Compress cloud textures - Maintain separate offscreen render textures for each GL context Version 4.064 September 24, 2016 - Fix precipitation across multiple Atmosphere objects on different contexts Version 4.063 September 23, 2016 - Infinite cirrus and cirrocumulus cloud layers now move with the camera with SetFadeTowardEdges is true. This behavior may be disabled if desired with the new cirrus-animate setting in SilverLining.config. - Fixes SetFadeTowardEdges() on cirrus and cirrocumulus cloud layers. - Fix lightning shader in OpenGL 3.2 - Added AtmosphericConditions::EnablePrecipitation() - New textures for experimental STRATOCUMULUS_PARTICLES cloud type Version 4.062 September 17, 2016 - Force sky box to maximum depth value when clearDepth is set to false in Atmosphere::DrawSky() - EXPERIMENTAL release of new STRATOCUMULUS_PARTICLES cloud type. Let us know at if you try it out and encounter any problems. Version 4.061 September 13, 2016 - Fix bug in cloud backdrops that could result in backdrops being updated unnecessarily - Fix stratocumulus cloud layer position returned via Atmosphere::GetObjectPosition() - Fix moon brightness when forcing a moon horizon angle via Atmosphere::ForceSunAndMoonHorizon() - Fix off-by-one moon texture issue when forcing a moon phase via Atmosphere::ForceMoonPhase() Version 4.060 August 24, 2016 - Allow negative time movement Version 4.059 August 13, 2016 - Added config settings to let OpenGL users specify their own filenames for user shaders: user-vert-shader-file-opengl user-frag-shader-file-opengl user-vert-shader-file-opengl32 user-frag-shader-file-opengl32 - Ensure GetEnvironmentMap() doesn't affect SilverLining's concept of the current FOV (and horizon color) - Added moon-brightness-hdr setting Version 4.058 August 6, 2016 - Unused cloud puff voxels no longer consume GPU memory - this saves about 50% of SilverLining's VRAM usage! If you see any new anomalies in cumulus clouds, you can disable this change by setting lazy-voxel-creation = no in the resources/silverlining.config file. - Various performance optimizations - Tweaked lighting of towering cumulus clouds Version 4.057 July 20, 2016 - Fix reference leaks on the render target in DX11 Version 4.056 July 12, 2016 - Update to Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 - Fix lightning discharge when enabling/disabling CB clouds Version 4.055 July 1, 2016 - Fix potential NaN pixel in DirectX stratus clouds Version 4.054 June 24, 2016 - Fix usage of depth buffer reading when clearDepth is false in Atmosphere::DrawSky() - Don't update real star and planet positions unless time has changed significantly - Fix initial case of lightning firing Version 4.053 May 25, 2016 - Added optional lens-flare-always-on config option to force lens flare to draw even if the sun is off-screen. - Avoid GL error in OpenGL 3.2 renderer at shutdown - Fix stars in DX11 Version 4.052 May 18, 2016 - Make sure Atmosphere::GetShadowMap() cleans up after itself no matter what. Version 4.051 May 9, 2016 - Fix minimum precipitation particle size in projections that have high skew if precipitation-no-skew is set to "no" - OpenGL 3.2 renderer now honors "SILVERLINING_ENABLE_DEBUG" environment variable - OpenGL 3.2 renderer now properly report shader linker errors Version 4.050 April 23, 2016 - Added z-is-on-prime-meridian for users with geocentric coordinate systems with Y up and Z east. - Added CloudLayer::SetRoundEdges() - Don't allow SetCloudWrapping(true) on cumulonimbus cloud layers. - Prevent banding in geocentric cumulus cloud layers when the camera moves large amounts. Version 4.049 April 8, 2016 - Fix potential texture wrapping issue with infinite stratus clouds Version 4.048 April 5, 2016 - Fix curvature of stratus clouds when SetCurveTowardGround() is true. - Protect atmospheric limb from out of bounds color values. - Fix inaccuracies in Atmosphere::GetObjectDistance() - Fix potential math overflow in LocalTime - Don't statically initialize collection objects, to ensure custom Allocators work with them Version 4.047 March 23, 2016 - Fix stratus cloud altitude jumps on tile boundaries when cloud is both infinite and curved Version 4.046 March 3, 2016 - Added avoid-opengl-stalls config setting. Version 4.045 February 23, 2016 - Various performance optimizations Version 4.044 February 12, 2016 - Make rain transparency independent of framerate Version 4.043 January 28, 2016 - Re-evaluate moon-brightness-scale setting at runtime, and not just on the first frame. - Added Atmosphere::GetMoonPhase() - Added separate config settings for sun and moon transmission and scattered light scaling when HDR mode is enabled Version 4.042 January 18, 2016 - More support for reverse depth buffers in OpenGL - Fix leaked FrameBufferManager in OpenGL when deleting / recreating the Atmosphere - Built Visual Studio 2015 libraries against VS 2015 Update 1 Version 4.041 January 14, 2016 - Modify default resource loader to handle UNC paths OK - Remove skew on precipitation projection matrices to prevent anomalies on skewed channels (see new precipitation-no-skew SilverLining.config setting) Version 4.040 January 12, 2016 - Add rain-write-depth, snow-write-depth, and sleet-write-depth config options to allow writing of precipitation particles to the depth buffer. - Change sun texture to have alpha of 1 - Add Atmosphere::GetAtmosphericLimbShader() method so you can set uniforms on it when using user shader functions. Version 4.039 January 7, 2016 - Update builds to Visual Studio 2012 Update 5 - Fix virga positioning in geocentric coordinates - Smooth out horizon colors returned near dawn/dusk Version 4.038 January 4, 2016 - Added horizonOffsetAngle parameter to Atmosphere::DrawSky() to allow real-time adjustment of the skybox's horizon line. This is in addition to the y-offset config setting, so for precise adjustments you may want to set y-offset to 0 in SilverLining.config and use this new parameter instead. Version 4.037 January 1, 2016 - Changed default setting of cumulus-spread-out-fog to "no" - although it offers a big speedup, it can result in distracting discontinuous cloud color changes. Consider setting disable-per-cloud-fog instead if you need more performance. - Ensure moon light is recomputed is the phase is forced to change without changing the moon position or time - Ensure changes to the overcast state affects moonlight immediately - Cache uniform locations in OpenGL 3.2 renderer Version 4.036 December 17, 2015 - Fix culling issues on cumulus mediocris clouds Version 4.035 December 16, 2015 - Add CumulusCloud::GetVoxels() method for Adacel - Significant performance enhancements for cumulus clouds (20% faster in our tests!) - Fix memory leak with render-to-texture textures when deleting the Atmosphere Version 4.034 December 5, 2015 - Fix wind speed on non-infinite, non-wrapping cloud layers Version 4.033 December 4, 2015 - Use VBO's for lightning in OpenGL & DirectX 11 Version 4.032 November 25, 2015 - Correct usage of node & cull masks in OSG multi-windows example - Fix ground-albedo-hosek config setting - Fix crash when creating cumulus clouds with very large world unit scales - Fix AtmosphericConditions::SetPresetConditions() when used with non-standard unit scales Version 4.031 November 19, 2015 - Added drawLightning flag to Atmosphere::DrawObjects() - Fix potential crash if virga is disabled - Fix odd filesystem issue on some Linux flavors Version 4.030 November 17, 2015 - Work around NVidia Linux driver bug that leaks buffer memory - Tuning of stratus appearance Version 4.029 November 6, 2015 - Tone down ambient light at sunset / sunrise - Fix crash when going into stratus clouds if stratus-deck-width or stratus-deck-height have been modified to be too small. - Add 64-bit support for C# OpenGL Sample - Fix hole in stratus texture Version 4.028 October 20, 2015 - DX 11.1 performance tuning - Fix lightning in OpenGL 3.2 renderer Version 4.027 October 17, 2015 - Add Version.h to public headers (and system to automatically keep it up to date) - Fix orientation of virga on DX11 - Experimental support of new DIRECTX11_1 renderer (no D3DX or d3dcompile dependencies) - Don't obtain any ARB or EXT interfaces with OpenGL 3.2 renderer - Fix bug in OpenGL 3.2 stratus shaders - Add fog density parameter to overrideSkyColor in UserFunctions.glsl Version 4.026 October 6, 2015 - Fix direction of precipitation blown by wind Version 4.025 October 5, 2015 - Make OpenGL 3.2 renderer compatible with NSight - Introduce CloudLayer::Intersect() method, allowing for ray / cloud intersection tests on cumulus cloud layers. - Improve lighting on cumulus cloud layers with a forced color. Version 4.024 September 5, 2015 - Accurately simulate the orientation of the moon Version 4.023 September 3, 2015 - Don't clamp cloud puff colors when HDR mode is on. - Recompute sunlight when overcast blending changes. - Prevent moon from rotating with camera pitch. Version 4.022 August 25, 2015 - Reduce resolution of stratus clouds to improve performance. - Further reduce stratus resolution when coverage >= 1.0, as it's not needed in that case. - Enforce clamped optical thickness on stratus clouds Version 4.022 August 21, 2015 - Fix lighting on stratus clouds in non-Y-up coordinate sytems. Version 4.021 August 20, 2015 - Improve in-cloud fog effects for stratus - No crepuscular rays when under overcast skies. - Enable depth reads for lightning. - Make infinite stratus clouds larger and with more consistent edges. - Handle case of multiple cameras with overcast conditions better. - Enforce max ambient occlusion on stratus - Discard stratus fragments beyond visible distance - Handle stratus with coverage > 1.0 - Increase size of infinite stratus layers - Tweak lighting of stratus - Use "alpha correct" blending in OpenGL - Don't draw crepuscular rays when sky is 100% covered - Enable depth reads on lightning Version 4.020 August 15, 2015 - Fix artifacts in stratus layers with coverage < 1.0 viewed from above. - Added drawBackdrops optional parameter to Atmosphere::DrawObjects(). - Fix overridden cloud layer colors from leaking into other cloud layers. Version 4.019 August 6, 2015 - Fix filtering of stars by magnitude. Version 4.018 August 5, 2015 - Add drawSunAndMoon parameter to Atmosphere::GetEnvironmentMap() if you want to omit the sun and moon from the env map reflections. - Fix stratus clouds in geocentric coordinate systems (broke in 4.017) Version 4.017 July 29, 2015 - Support for Visual Studio 2015 (VC14) added - Updated Visual Studio 2013 builds to use Update 5 - Added daylight-moon-dimming config setting to dim the moon during daylight hours - Fix stratus cloud shadows when viewed from below. Version 4.016 July 22, 2015 - Fix cumulonimbus clouds in C# example - Added eyePosition to parameters in overrideBillboardColor user function for GLSL - Removed lightning-auto-discharge SilverLining.config setting in favor of the new CloudLayer::SetLightningDischargeMode() method. This allows runtime selection of automatic or manual lightning, as well as optional explicit control over when lightning starts and stops. Version 4.015 July 4, 2015 - Make lightning-auto-discharge, lightning-discharge-ms, and lightning-max-discharge-period adjustible at runtime - Fix shader compile errors on some drivers Version 4.014 July 3, 2015 - Fix lightning alpha problems - Make lightning bolts thinner with distance Version 4.013 June 27, 2015 - Make motion of infinite stratus clouds more consistent Version 4.012 June 20, 2015 - Speed up stratus shaders Version 4.011 June 17, 2015 - Serialize the cloud density multiplier when saving cloud layers. - Make sure infinite stratus clouds loop smoothly. - Added stratus-flat-tops config option if you want 2D stratus clouds. - Fade edges of stratus per-fragment instead of per-vertex. Version 4.010 June 11, 2015 - Delete stratus shader when stratus cloud is deleted - Don't write to depth buffer for stratus clouds when viewed from below. - Add backfaceCullClockwise parameter to Atmosphere::DrawObjects(), which can be useful for properly rendering clouds into flipped reflection textures - Improve uniformity of precipitation particle locations. - Protect precip from stray state - Improve apearance of non-infinite stratus clouds with 100% density Version 4.009 June 6, 2015 - Cull clouds that are completely faded out from SetDensityMultiplier(). - Soften edges of stratus clouds. Version 4.008 June 2, 2015 - Don't attempt to clear texture binding on too-high texture units for AMD Version 4.007 May 29, 2015 - Don't use GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV any longer - it triggers errors on AMD - Specify base & max level for generated env map texture - Better attempt to clean out prior bindless graphics state prior to rendering Version 4.006 May 26, 2015 - Force "nice" star points under OpenGL - Added modelPos parameter to overrideBillboardColor in UserFunctions.glsl and UserFunctions.glsl15. If you are maintaining your own user functions be sure to update the function prototype accordingly. - Don't draw lightning into environment maps unless environment-maps-have-lightning is set to "yes" Version 4.005 May 6, 2015 - Increase evaluation demo time to 15 minutes per run. - Address precision issues on some GPU's with stratus clouds. - Fix potential bad shading on virga and lightning. Version 4.004 April 28, 2015 - Interoperate better with applications that manipulate the depth range (ie, if you're using reverse floating point depth buffers with OpenGL) - Added SilverLining.config settings for opengl-near-clip-plane, opengl-far-clip-plane, directx-near-clip-plane, and directx-far-clip-plane. These can be used to tell SilverLining you are using an unusual projection matrix that ranges the projected Z values from something other than [-1,1] for OpenGL or [0,1] for DirectX. - Add Atmosphere::SetDepthRange() / Atmosphere::GetDepthRange() to avoid stall from glGet-ing the depth range. - New overridePosition() function added to UserFunctions.glsl - if you have your own user functions file, be sure to update it accordingly. - Add Atmosphere::SetOutputScale() / Atmosphere::GetOutputScale() to scale all final color output by some value. Version 4.003 April 22, 2015 - Fix DirectX9 device loss handling - Add overridePosition() function into user shaders, to allow modification of final gl_Position values Version 4.002 April 17, 2015 - Don't call UpdateSkyAndClouds in OSG examples; there is no valid GL context from the OSG update thread. - Make Atmosphere::ForceLightingUpdate() affect stratocumulus clouds Version 4.001 April 15, 2015 - Toned down fogbow a bit on stratus - Added stratus-extinction-factor config setting to soften stratus edges - Optimized stratus shaders - Fix sun/moon position in left-handed flat coordinate systems - Tweak appearance of moon - Disable moon glow by default Version 4.0 April 2, 2015 - All-new stratus clouds! Featuring 3D structure, and per-fragment Mie scattering. - Enable sun glow in geocentric mode - Prevent resource leak at shutdown in DX9 when using cloud backdrops - Removed overrideStratusColor function in UserFunctions.glsl. Use overrideStratusLighting in UserFunctions-frag.glsl instead. Version 3.043 February 26, 2015 - Make shadow-map-dimension changeable at runtime using Atmosphere::SetConfigOption - Fix star-point-size config setting (it was disconnected in 3.039 by mistake.) - Fix environment maps for new cameras that are geocentric version 3.042 February 25, 2015 - Added writeFragmentData hook into UserFunctions-frag.glsl15 shader (for OpenGL 3.2 users) - Make the following SilverLining.config options changeable at runtime using Atmosphere::SetConfigOption: sun-width-degrees moon-width-degrees rain-streak-width-multiplier sleet-streak-width-multiplier snowflake-size-multiplier snow-rotate-particles - Make snow appear more dense Version 3.041 February 20, 2015 - Fix random number generation on Linux platforms where RAND_MAX is huge - Added "doLighting" parameter on CloudLayer::OverrideCloudColor() so you can disable time of day lighting on clouds if desired. Version 3.040 February 12, 2015 - Added lens-flare-use-pbo config option. This can speed up framerates considerably when the sun is in view, if you are using OpenGL and rendering to the framebuffer (not to a texture). It is "no" by default, but OpenGL users should see if "yes" works for their application - it can make a big difference when it does. - Ran an auto-formatter on all cpp and shader files, to clean up appearance of code on different editors. Version 3.039 February 6, 2015 - Prefixed all shader uniforms with sl_ - if you are using user shaders that use any built-in SilverLining uniforms, you may need to modify your shaders. - Added sandstorm-smooth-horizon-blend config option; set to "no" to always use the sandstorm dust color for fog color inside a sandstorm, instead of blending from the horizon color. - Fix restoration of cloud layer thickness on saved cumulus cloud layers Version 3.038 January 29, 2015 - Added drawClouds parameter to Atmosphere::GetEnvironmentMap(). - Added environment-map-never-draw-clouds option to silverlining.config - Add missing user function hooks for GLSL 1.5 billboard and cirrus shaders - Fix visibility bug with sandstorms - Fix precipitation wind in geocentric coordinates when using wind altitude ranges Version 3.037 January 14, 2015 - Fix curved cumulus layers with altitude 0 - Fix shader error when using OpenGL 3.2 on NVidia Quadra cards Version 3.036 January 2, 2015 - Fix atmospheric limb in OpenGL 3.2 - Fix crepuscular rays and lens flare when near clip distance is < 1.0 Version 3.035 December 24, 2014 - Add Atmosphere::EnableSunOcclusion() and GetSunOcclusionEnabled(). Call EnableSunOcclusion(false) if you will never use the Atmosphere::GetSunOcclusion() method to regain some performance when the sun is in view. - Fix star positions in geocentric y-north systems. - Fix D3D9 device loss handling when looking at sun. Version 3.034 December 20, 2014 - Add billboard-fog-color-boost config setting, to force cumulus clouds to take on more of the fog color. - Another fix for multiple context handling. Version 3.033 December 6, 2014 - Overhauled ephemeris model; should fix remaining issues in geocentric systems Version 3.032 December 4, 2014 - Fix cloud lighting when restoring saved hi-res cumulus congestus clouds. Version 3.031 November 29, 2014 - Destroy lightning and virga resources if a cumulonimbus cloud is seeded more than once. - Prevent crash if a cumulonimbus cloud with no thickness is created - Prevent crash if initialization failed and you proceed to use the Atmosphere anyhow. - Fix computation of average horizon color in non-standard basis (ie geocentric) - Fix sun position in left-handed coordinate systems (revert change from 3.026) - Avoid use of non-thread-safe _setlocale() in Windows - Add flip-ephemeris-z to config file (use this if the sign of the z coordinate of the sun and moon seem backward relative to your conventions.) Version 3.030 November 21, 2014 - Fix bugs related to shader management when multiple Atmosphere objects are created and destroyed at runtime. Version 3.029 November 13, 2014 - Add camera parameter to Atmosphere::GetEnvironmentMap() to support separate env maps per camera - Make wholeLayers parameter on Atmosphere::GetShadowMap() true by default, as it avoids a lot of confusing edge cases. - Fix geocentric cloud shadows when camera moves over large distances. - Visual Studio 2013 libraries now built with Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 Version 3.028 November 7, 2014 - Better cirrocumulus texture - Add Atmosphere::ClearObjects() - Reduce softness of sandstorm particles - Fixes for OpenGL 3.2+ Version 3.027 October 31, 2014 - Add new SANDSTORM cloud type - see documentation and sample code for examples of use. - CloudLayer::OverrideCloudLighting() will now apply time of day lighting to the color specified, and also affect the ambient color used when drawing cumulus clouds. Version 3.026 October 17, 2014 - Fix position of sun/moon billboard when in Y-up geocentric coordinates Version 3.025 October 14, 2014 - Set "current" atmosphere in response to calls to Atmosphere::GetConditions() (fixes some cases where multiple windows with different Atmospheres could cause problems.) - Skip computation of snowflake minimum size when snow-minimum-size is 0 (provides workaround for unusual projection matrices created by Mersive) - Fix orientation of restored cloud layers if Z is "up" Version 3.024 October 11, 2014 - Add Ogre 1.9 sample Version 3.023 October 10, 2014 - Tune stratocumulus lighting & shadows - Add overrideParticleColor to UserFunctions-frag.glsl - Add Atmosphere::GetPrecipitationShader() - Fix clipping at top of stratocumulus clouds - Fix shadows from infinite stratocumulus cloud layers Version 3.022 October 6, 2014 - Further reduce cumulus cloud "popping" - Add new cloud-never-allow-intersection config setting to eliminate popping entirely at expense of coverage if necessary - Fix uninitialized fog values in Renderer.cpp Version 3.021 October 3, 2014 - Add new ForceSunAndMoonHorizon methods for forcing moon / sun to a given altitude and azimuth. - Add separate ClearForcedMoonPhase() to undo forced phase (ClearForcedSunAndMoon will no longer clear a forced moon phase as well.) - No longer include -norenderer libraries; nobody was using them and they just bloated the installer. If you need renderer-less libs just contact - Reserve precipitation particle buffer memory all at once. - Add new curve-toward-ground-radius-scale setting. Version 3.020 September 17, 2014 - Automatically darken cumulus clouds with density (controlled via the new cumulus-darken-with-density and cumulus-density-darkening config settings.) - Smoother cumulus cloud lighting Version 3.019 September 12, 2014 - Update osgEarth sample. - Don't move cloud layers that are inactive. - Ensure precipitation is not processed on inactive cloud layers. Version 3.018 September 5, 2014 - Add rain-velocity-factor config setting. - Add precipitation-fog-monochrome setting. - Make apply-fog-from-cloud-precipitation true by default again. - Account for fading cloud layers when setting precipitation fog. - Fix issues with precipitation fog with multiple cloud layers. Version 3.017 August 30, 2014 - Fix rain / snow / sleet application of minimum pixel width settings - Fix precipitation fading with infinite cloud layers - apply-fog-from-cloud-precipitation off by default Version 3.016 August 29, 2014 - Fix issue with geocentric, wrapped, non-infinite cumulus cloud layers - No longer flip the Z axis in left-handed coordinate systems when computing sun / moon / stars positions. If you need to do this for some reason, add flip-ephemeris-z = yes into your resources/silverlining.config file. - Fix fogging of stars due to haze in DirectX. Version 3.015 August 26, 2014 - Fix potential crash at shutdown with DX9 Version 3.014 August 23, 2014 - Fix crespuscular rays and lens flare visibility in DirectX - Fade out precipitation as you approach the edge of a cloud - More aggressively restore state when rendering lightning - Add apply-fog-from-cloud-precipitation setting - Make samples a little more visually interesting Version 3.013 August 16, 2014 - Add camera parameter to Atmosphere::DrawSky() and Atmosphere::DrawObjects() to support precipitation across multiple views using the same Atmosphere. - Brighten appearance of the moon in the sky via the new moon-brightness config setting. - Fix memory leak in TGALoader - Fix cloud culling when alternating between two views with different fog - Don't spin cloud puffs when rendering shadow maps Version 3.012 August 6, 2014 - Fix position of sun / moon / stars etc. in left-handed coordinate systems - If environment variable SILVERLINING_ENABLE_DEBUG is defined, OpenGL errors will be output to the console. - Fix lightning if time goes backwards somehow - Don't fade clouds toward edges of layer when rendering shadow map, as it's ambiguous what point they should fade from. - Roll back change of modifying Atmosphere's camera position when rendering shadows - Allow Atmosphere::SetInfraRedMode() to be called at runtime Version 3.011 July 24, 2014 - Make sure lightning doesn't enable culling when drawn in DirectX9 - Don't cull clouds in disabled cloud layers - Don't count disabled cloud layers in Atmosphere::GetCloudBounds - Fix fogging of stars in z-up coordinate systems Version 3.010 July 18, 2014 - Fix lightning bolts in OpenGL 3.2 core renderer and DirectX9 - Add option to Atmosphere::GetShadowMap() for whether you want shadows cast by the moon as well as the sun - Fade out the fog inside stratus clouds as the stratus layer is faded in and out. - Fade out stratus edges more completely if SetFadeTowardEdges(true) is on. - Add maxShadowObjectDistance parameter to Atmosphere::GetShadowMap(). - Explicitly set pixel unpack parameters when loading textures on OpenGL. - Fix fading of cirrus and cirrocumulus clouds in DirectX Version 3.009 July 10, 2014 - Higher resolution cloud textures for CUMULUS_CONGESTUS_HI_RES - Darken CUMULUS_CONGESTUS_HI_RES clouds to improve lighting - Store textures as compressed in OpenGL / Windows - More robust handling of user shaders with multiple windows - Fix cloud puff billboarding when generating shadow maps - Shadow maps only generated from sunlight now (not moonlight) and fade as sun sets - If wholeLayers parameter is true on Atmosphere::GetShadowMap(), the shadow map will no longer include the entire frustum bounds (to improve resolution with large far clips.) - Shadows on infinite stratus clouds will extend appropriately far. - Make wrapping of infinite stratus / stratocumulus layers in shadows consistent with other layers. - Fix cloud culling with multiple Atmospheres. - Fix lens flare edges - Allow CUMULUS_CONGESTUS_HI_RES to render into backdrops Version 3.008 June 30, 2014 - Fix crepuscular rays - Fix issue with billboard matrix when lens flare occlusion is disabled via config - Fix lens flare in z-up coordinate systems Version 3.007 June 29, 2014 - Use ANSI versions of Win32 calls for better Unicode support. - Tune sky color to better match reality - Use correct ground albedo setting with Preetham sky model. - Fix crash if you have more than one cirrus or cirrocumulus layer, and don't delete them all together. Version 3.006 June 7, 2014 - Fix stratus clouds with OPENGL32CORE renderer - Make hi-res cumulus texture a power of 2 - Reduce compiler warnings with higher warning levels Version 3.005 June 2, 2014 - Speed up lens flare effect - Fix cloud culling across multiple Atmospheres Version 3.004 May 29, 2014 - Various performance improvements (reduce state changes) - Fix use of geocentric = true with drawSky = false in Atmosphere::DrawSky() - Fix Atmosphere::GetObjects() when Atmosphere::DrawObjects(false) is used. - Ensure lens flare doesn't appear behind the camera or below the horizon. - Add hosek-wilkie-radiance-scale config setting for HDR tuning with new sky model. - Fix sort order of stratus clouds vs. cumulus clouds. - Fix precision of Atmosphere::GetFogEnabled() when inside a geocentric stratus cloud. Version 3.003 May 22, 2014 - Fix save/restore on hi-res cumulus clouds Version 3.002 May 20, 2014 - Further cosmetic improvements (big ones, really) to CUMULUS_CONGESTUS_HI_RES Version 3.001 May 19, 2014 - Use a better hi-res cloud texture - Include lens flare resources in Linux distribution Version 3.0 May 10, 2014 - New TOWERING_CUMULUS and CUMULUS_CONGESTUS_HI_RES cloud types - Added CloudLayer::AddCloudAt() interface to allow positioning of individual clouds within a cloud layer. See the new "Positioning Individual Clouds Within a Cloud Layer" section of the documentation. - Make monochrome ambient light the new default. Set force-monochrome-ambient = no in Resources/SilverLining.config if you prefer blue-tinted ambient light. - Enforce a minimum distance between cloud centers, to address popping artifacts from re-sorting as the view changes - Further tweaking of cumulus cloud shading - Replace use of atof() and sscanf internally with a locale-independent method - Update the OpenSceneGraph multi-windows example to use a CompositeViewer and a better technique. - Fix crepuscular rays appearing at sun antipode in DirectX - If a resources/SilverLining.override file is present, its config settings will override those in SilverLining.config. - Replace OSG CompositeViewer example with OSG MultiWindows example (which still uses CompositeViewer, but with separate windows & contexts.) - Make stratus clouds honor lighting invalidation events. - Add Atmosphere::ReloadCumulusTextures() (allows run-time switching of cloud atlas textures in the new hi-res cumulus type.) - Protect against high winds distorting cloud shapes too much - Improve appearance of infinite stratus clouds in geocentric mode Version 2.123 April 16, 2014 - Fix ambient light calculation in HDR mode - Add stratus-deck-light-scale config setting to scale the stratus lighting Version 2.122 April 10, 2014 - Make stars fade out with increasing light pollution. Adjust effect with star-maximum-light-pollution setting. - Add lens-flare-disable-occlusion option to SilverLining.config. Increases performance a good deal when the sun is in view, but at the expense of taking sun occlusion into account when rendering lens flare. - Tweak cloud lighting (make cumulus congestus less contrast-y) - Add twilight-scale config setting to adjust twilight lighting - Add force-monochrome-ambient config option - More robust transparent object sorting (may address very rare crash on MacOS) - Add new floatingPoint parameter on Atmosphere::GetEnvironmentMap() to create a 16-bit floating point cube map - Fix change in fog color when drawing environment map with global precipitation on Version 2.121 March 31, 2014 - Add new overrideSkyFragColor to shader user functions, to allow filtering of final sky color. - Add writeFragmentData to shader user functions, to allow writing to multiple render targets. - Split out user functions into .glsl (for OpenGL 2.0) and .glsl15 (for OpenGL 3.2+) files. - Added CloudLayer::OverrideCloudColor() / ClearCloudColorOverride() / ClearGetOverriddenCloudColor() to allow forcing cloud directional lighting to a given color on a per-layer basis. Version 2.120 March 26, 2014 - Fix GL error set under Linux when using environment maps Version 2.119 March 26, 2014 - Fix cloud culling when environment maps and Atmosphere::CullObjects() are being used together. Version 2.118 March 25, 2014 - Add Atmosphere::ForceMoonPhase() to force a given moon phase regardless of date - Fix environment maps when Atmosphere::SetViewport() is not being used. Version 2.117 March 14, 2014 - Fix environment maps when used in conjunction with Atmosphere::SetViewport() Version 2.116 March 11, 2014 - Reduce glGet calls in OpenGL to prevent stalls - Added Atmosphere::SetViewport() to allow explicit passing of viewport (this allows us to avoid calling glGet to retrieve it each frame.) - Modified OSG examples to call SetCameraMatrix and SetProjectionMatrix each frame. - Fix potential DX11 crash when binding the sky shader Version 2.115 March 5, 2014 - Fix fading on cirrocumulus clouds - Don't apply visibility to shadow map rendering Version 2.114 February 27, 2014 - Fix shadows from planar clouds with fade toward edges enabled. Version 2.113 February 21, 2014 - Fix clipping of shadow map texture (especially with stratus & stratocumulus shadows.) Version 2.112 February 19, 2014 - Fix stratocumulus on DirectX with new NVidia drivers Version 2.111 February 16, 2014 - Fix fading of wrapped clouds Version 2.110 February 12, 2014 - Remove GLU dependencies under MacOS (as GLU is deprecated in MacOS 10.9.) - Tweak lighting of cumulonimbus clouds. - Fix Atmosphere::DrawObject() method of drawing individual clouds. - Add additional hooks for shader user function overrides. - Fix crash when sorting clouds under some conditions on Mac / Linux Version 2.109 February 4, 2014 - Make snow particle rotation on by default. - Add vector of user shaders into Atmosphere::ReloadShaders() call. - Cull out cumulus clouds that are almost entirely faded out. - Fix forcing of moon phase with Atmosphere::ForceSunAndMoon - Protect against null pointers in final sorting of blended objects - Prevent gaps in infinite cumulus cloud layers. Version 2.108 January 24, 2014 - Fix LocalTime::GetJulianDate() - Add Atmosphere::ReloadShaders() to recompile and relink OpenGL shader programs at runtime Version 2.107 January 9, 2013 - Add environment-map-enable-stars config option for rendering stars into environment maps - Make lightning strikes more infrequent. - Overwrite existing files when CloudLayer::Save() is called. - Fix positioning of upper plane of stratus layer Version 2.106 December 20, 2013 - Fix Atmosphere::GetActivePlanarCLoudShaders() Version 2.105 December 17, 2013 (Linux / Mac only release) - Fix compilation under MacOS 10.9 Mavericks Version 2.104 December 12, 2013 - Include Windows 8.1 DirectX shader compiler DLL - Fade out lightning with distance in low visibility - Update to Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 Version 2.103 December 9, 2013 - Fix adjustment of non-global cumulus clouds for Earth curvature - Speed up seeding of cumulus cloud layers Version 2.102 December 1, 2013 - Fix depth range when clearDepth is false in Atmosphere::DrawSky() - Fix rendering of sky on first frame version 2.101 November 16, 2013 - Visual Studio 2013 (Desktop) support added. Version 2.100 November 5, 2013 - Fix computation of in-cloud fog on very large geocentric stratus layers with altitudes specified relative to earth core Version 2.99 October 29, 2013 - Add methods for extending our shaders in the Atmosphere class: GetActivePlanarCloudShaders, GetBillboardShader, GetSkyShader, GetStarShader. New Atmosphere::Initialize() variant takes a vector of user-provided shader objects linked into all OpenGL shader programs, to let you include your own shader functions in our shaders. - Added UserFunctions.glsl and UserFunctions-frag.glsl, exposing points for overriding SilverLining's shading. These files are in the resources/shaders folder. - Added Atmosphere::ForceSunAndMoon() and Atmosphere::ClearForcedSunAndMoon() to allow explicit positioning of the sun & moon in ecliptic coordinates, as well as the phase of the moon. Version 2.98 October 16, 2013 - Add OpenSceneGraph shadow example - Reduce tone mapping brightness a bit - Make diffuse and ambient overcast attenuation separately configurable - Various OpenGL 3.2+ fixes Version 2.97 October 10, 2103 - Fix culling frustum for shadow maps Version 2.96 October 7, 2013 - Fix shadow maps when Y is not up Version 2.95 September 28, 2013 - Change wind direction in WindVolume to represent direction wind is coming from, not the direction it is blowing toward. - Don't reset cloud positions to camera position when calling CloudLayer::SetBaseAltitude() with a value from the center of the Earth; just update their heights. - Fix calculation of whether you are inside a localized, geocentric stratus cloud. Version 2.94 September 24, 2013 - Fix positioning of localized geocentric cloud layers when using SetBaseAltitude() - Fix error in stars.glsl - Fix orientation of distant localized stratus cloud layers - Fix North/South movement of wind-blown clouds Version 2.93 September 18, 2013 - Fix fogging of backdrop clouds when inside a stratus layer. - Include OpenSceneGraph example with multiple windows Version 2.92 September 13, 2013 - Fix positioning of localized geocentric cloud layers - Never allow stratus cloud layers to be transparent - Ensure other clouds are fogged when inside a stratus cloud Version 2.91 September 6, 2013 - Fix crepuscular rays when rendering to FBO Version 2.9 August 27, 2013 - Added new CloudLayer::SetCurveTowardGround(). This can be used to force cloud layers to curve down toward ground level at their edges, giving the illusion of stretching to the horizon when they really don't. - Fix star fogging. - Apply sunset boost config settings to sea level luminance values. Version 2.87 August 17, 2013 - Fix cloud lighting in z-up configurations - No longer require cloud layer altitudes to be specified relative to the center of the Earth in geocentric mode - Automatically adjust cloud layer altitudes to account for the ellipsoidal nature of the Earth in geocentric mode - Double the number of precipitation particle starting locations - Fix stratus clouds in DX11 - Prevent negative light colors in HDR - Fog stratus clouds by fading them out, to be consistent with other cloud layers. - Improve lighting on cirrus and cirrocumulus clouds Version 2.86 August 7, 2013 - Clear any existing clouds when seeding a cloud layer; allows re-seeding of existing layers. - Fade out stratocumulus clouds with fog, to make them consistent with other cloud types. - Fix positioning of crepuscular rays effect when in geocentric coords. - Add isothermal effects to Hosek-Wilkie sky model (sky darkens with altitude.) Version 2.85 July 23, 2013 - Push / pop state surrounding calls to Atmosphere::GetEnvironmentMap(). - Fix pulling in of near clip plane with precipitation effects. Version 2.84 July 14, 2013 - Fix direction of sun/moonlight in geocentric mode when calling GetSunOrMoonPostionGeographic or GetSunOrMoonPositionEcliptic Version 2.83 July 2, 2013 - Fix edge case that could cause black skies with Hosek-Wilkie in certain times & locations. Version 2.82 June 27, 2013 - Don't fog the spaces in between broken stratus clouds. - Protect against negative logarithms in luminance mapper. - Fix stratus clouds in OpenGL 3.2 - Fix rand() call in StratocumulusCloudLayer - Update to Visual Studio 2012 Update 3 Version 2.81 May 16, 2013 - Fix cirrocumulus clouds in OpenGL Version 2.8 May 15, 2013 - New Hosek-Wilke sky model (see Atmosphere::SetSkyModel()) - Save & restore bound FBO when calling Atmosphere::GetEnvironmentMap() - Fix discontinuity in appearance of stars at sunset - Switch to CIE XYZ -> RGB transform Version 2.77 May 2, 2013 - Cache shaders and uniforms in OpenGL - Add AtmosphericConditions::SetPresetConditions() method for simplified cloud layer setup. Version 2.76 March 30, 2013 - Disable cloud layer culling by default (cull at the cloud level instead); it seemed to cause trouble in geocentric. - Update osgRecipes sample code - Flesh out the osgEarth sample more - Fix crepuscular rays visibility calculation under DirectX - Make lightning immune to fog Version 2.75 March 18, 2013 - Fix minimum precipitation particle size enforcement Version 2.74 February 22, 2013 - Fix flipped y-axis faces of cube map generated by Atmosphere::GetEnvironmentMap() Version 2.73 February 9, 2013 - Fix issue with cloud backdrops' view frustum being off Version 2.72 February 6, 2013 - Improve tone mapping on the moon - Added CloudLayer::SetDensityMultiplier() to support runtime changes of cumulus cloud layer density - Added support for dongle-based licenses - Stratus clouds will blend in overcast conditions for coverage values < 1.0. See new stratus-overcast-threshold config setting. - Add cloud-light-change-angle setting to adjust how often clouds get relit with continuous time of day - Don't use a static frustum object, to fix issues with culling with multiple viewports. - Fix link issue in OpenGL 3.2 renderer - Add facesToRender parameter to Atmosphere::GetEnvironmentMap() Version 2.71 January 29, 2013 - Fix calling Atmosphere::DrawObjects with (false, true) for precipitation only - Fix lens flares in OpenGL 2.x - Reduced default rain streak brightness - Avoid computing atmospheric transmittance twice at low altitudes - Fix compatibility problem with crepuscular rays on Intel graphics Version 2.7 January 26, 2013 - Added crepuscular rays ("god rays") - see new parameter on Atmosphere::DrawObjects() - New shadow map support - see Atmosphere::GetShadowMap() - New environment cube map support - See Atmosphere::GetEnvironmentMap() - Enabled cloud backdrops with DirectX 9 - 11 renderers - Fix sorting issues that led to ocassional "popping" of clouds when moving the camera - Fix real-time cloud growth using SetCloudAnimationEffects under NVidia with bindless graphics - New Ogre sample code based on a standalone app - Clean up C# samples and include binary, signed DLL's - Store fog properties per Atmosphere object instead of relying on static state - Never access the current camera position as a static object (fixes issues with multiple views with different camera positions) Version 2.65 January 8, 2013 - Fix memory leak when using IDirect3DDevice9Ex - Try our best to push & pop any active shader programs in OpenGL - Fix precipitation effects when using sheared projection matrices - Honor the clearDepth flag in Atmosphere::DrawSky() even when drawSky is false. - Caculate lighting at the camera level and at sea level, for proper lighting of clouds when the camera is in space. Version 2.64 December 12, 2012 - Use different algorithm for computing billboard matrices that works better with highly sheared projection matrices. Disable it using the new billboard-use-ndc config setting if it causes trouble. - Apply star-magnitude-adjustment to planets as well as stars. Version 2.63 December 11, 2012 - Explicitly control rendering of sun and moon via new drawSunAndMoon parameter on Atmosphere::DrawSky(). The sun, moon, and stars are no longer automatically disabled when AtmosphericConditions::SetFog() is called. Version 2.62 November 20, 2012 - Include osgRecipes OpenSceneGraph integration - Fix precipitation when frame delta time is 0 - Never use fixed function for stratus (fixes MacOS rendering of localized stratus.) Version 2.61 November 12, 2012 - Fix lightning placement when Y is not the up vector - Explicitly enable depth reads on cumulus drawing Version 2.60 November 6, 2012 - Fix depth buffer usage with cumulus clouds - Correct documentation on SetThickness() with cumulonimbus clouds - Fix culling of cumulonimbus clouds - Don't allow setting IsInfinite on cumulonimbus clouds - Further refinements for cloud layer sorting - Don't allow virga to write to the depth buffer - Improve sorting of lightning Version 2.59 November 1, 2012 - Improve handling of high (>90%) coverage values for cumulus cloud types. - Ensure Ephemeris is initialized when default time & location are used. - Improve handling of DX9 device loss / reset when using multiple atmospheres. - Prevent leakage of GL errors into main app. - Added Atmosphere::SetSunAlpha() and Atmosphere::SetMoonAlpha() to allow fading of the sun and moon. Version 2.58 October 17, 2012 - Test for uninitialized Atmospheres being passed in to CloudLayer::SeedClouds(). SeedClouds() now returns a bool indicating success. - Improve test for cumulus clouds being in the imposter backdrop. Version 2.57 October 8, 2012 - Fix uninitialized voxel states (could lead to cube-shaped clouds in release builds) - Fix precipitation with OpenGL 3.2 Version 2.56 October 5, 2012 - Fix depth write state when drawing cumulus clouds after stratus clouds - Fix compressed TGA texture loading in DX10 - Clear out any stray shaders in DX10 Version 2.55 October 4, 2012 - Fix reference counting on the Configuration object - Track deletion of DX9 shaders by context instead of by device. - Get Atmosphere::DisableFarCulling() working with cloud backdrops. Version 2.54 September 28, 2012 - Added stratus-handle-broken-visibility setting - Added stratus-scale-factor setting - Removed GL calls from Atmosphere::CullObjects Version 2.53 September 6, 2012 - Removes the unused variable initialVaporProbability from StratocumulusCloudLayer.cpp - Fixes a computing error in the tone-mapped skylight color - Adds an method to Atmosphere to get the Zenith color. - Adds a useDepthBuffer flag to the SetClipPlanes method - Lightning works in HDR mode. See new lightning-hdr-boost config setting. - Increase default brightness of rain streaks Version 2.52 August 29, 2012 - Improve cloud sorting algorithm Version 2.51 August 28, 2012 - Fix reference counting on the Configuration object - Fix initialization of memory allocator - Fix skybox bounding volume in OSG sample Version 2.5 August 22, 2012 - Split out draw, update, and culling operations (optionally.) See new Atmosphere::CullObjects() and Atmosphere::UpdateSkyAndClouds() methods - these let you perform updates and culling from outside the main rendering thread. OpenSceneGraph sample modified to take advantage of this. - Add Visual Studio 2012 support. - Protect against active occlusion queries when Atmosphere::DrawObjects() is called. - Removed projection matrix callback from OpenSceneGraph sample; instead proper bounds are provided for the clouds via the new Atmosphere::GetCloudBounds() method. - Set new default value of cirrus-fog-visibility to 0.00001 to prevent overly aggressive fogging inside cirrus and cirrocumulus clouds - Enhanced docs for ECEF / geocentric systems - Include fragment shaders for all OpenGL 2.0 shaders. If you need to render to specific gl_FragData elements instead of just gl_FragColor, you can edit these at least. - Support RLE compression on TGA resources, and RLE compress our resources - Cumulonimbus improvements: Don't render them into backdrops; better positioning of virga; virga animation effects; improved virga texture; virga fades out as camera approaches - Explicitly clear out stray texture states in Ogre sample and DX9 renderer code. Version 2.44 August 2, 2012 - Print message to debug log or console when evaluation time limit is reached - Improve lighting of cumulus congestus clouds when quick and dirty lighting is disabled - Added XNA Game Framework 4.0 example in the C# sample folder. - Fixed crash at shutdown in Ogre sample when using DX9 - Properly handle shadow passes in Ogre sample, and set fade toward edges on cloud layers in it. - Fix black rectangles under DX9 with cloud backdrops - Fix lighting direction in Ogre samples Version 2.43 June 26 2012 - Don't clamp haze color values to 1.0 - Fix missing logic in cumulus mediocris code - Improved thread safety of OSG sample - Ogre 1.7 - 1.8 sample explicitly clears out fragment shaders left on by prior objects Version 2.42 June 3 2012 - Don't curve large cloud layers with the curvature of the Earth, when you're not in a geocentric system and not using an infinite cloud layer centered over the camera. - Update the cloud backdrop if the enabled state or mix of cloud layers changes. - Update the cloud backdrop if the cloud layer position changes substantially. - Fix computation of when distant clouds switch into the backdrop. Version 2.41 June 1 2012 - Fix display of non-infinite large planar clouds in the distance Version 2.40 May 31 2012 - Get OpenGL precipitation working properly on a wider variety of systems - Compute minimum particle size for precipitation more accurately Version 2.39 May 27 2012 - Handle proper luminance of sun and moon discs when HDR is enabled Version 2.38 May 20 2012 - Fix discontinuity in the sky just prior to sunset - Fix shadow maps with infinite clouds - Fix deletion of config entries - Update mailing list link in installer Version 2.37 April 30 2012 - Fix CMakeLists.txt for OpenSceneGraph Example to be Linux-friendly - Add starlight-scale config setting to control how dark a moonless night is - Improve lighting on stratus clouds - Backdrop / impostors now supported in DX9 Version 2.36 March 22 2012 - New backdrop / impostor support - enables very large cloud areas. See new backdrop config settings. - Culling at the cloud layer level added - Fix crash when SILVERLINING_NO_VBO environment variable is set - Don't load subdirectories under Linux when scanning cloud files - Substantial performance improvements relative to 2.35 Version 2.35 March 13 2012 - Added CloudLayer::SetCloudAnimationEffects() method, controlling growth and convection of clouds at runtime - Properly handle haze when rendering stars - Reduce framerate hiccups when the clouds are moving - Ensure selection of cumulonimbus cloud models are consistent across channels - Remove all instances of calling rand() directly instead of RandomNumberGenerator - Process lightning effects even when offscreen, to ensure synchronization across channels - Fix warning messages in OpenGL 3.2 debug - Initial release of C# support - see the C# sample which includes a native DLL and C# wrapper, together with an example C# application. Version 2.34 February 26 2012 - Cumulus cloud layers about 10% faster; reduced CPU load - Added config settings rain-use-depth-buffer, snow-use-depth-buffer, sleet-use-depth-buffer. If your near clip plane is close enough to the camera, enable these to enable depth tests against your scene with precipitation particles. - Added wet-snow-velocity and dry-snow-velocity config settings, allowing you to adjust how fast snow particles fall. - Protect against calls to the random number generator for ranges where start > end. - Bug fixes in stratocumulus clouds, especially when serializing / deserializing Version 2.33 January 13 2012 - Check for inability to get a graphics context, and return an error from Atmosphere::Initialize() in this case. Version 2.32 December 28 2011 - Fix crash if initialized outside of a valid GL context - Change depth function to less than or equal in OpenGL - Preserve cloud altitudes on infinite cumulus cloud layers in geocentric mode when location changes Version 2.31 December 10 2011 - Fix culling errors on cumulus clouds, especially when wind-sheared. - Reverts change to not do occlusion tests when lens flare disabled. Version 2.30 November 25 2011 - Substantial visual and performance improvements to GPU ray-casted stratocumulus clouds - Atmosphere::EnableLensFlare will now prevent occlusion tests when called with false. This can be used for offscreen render passes and to improve performance in general. - Explicitly declares byte packing and calling conventions in public API's to prevent incompatible project settings Version 2.21 September 12 2011 - If you're exactly on the edge of a stratus layer, consider yourself inside it WRT fog - Stratus, cirrus, and cirrocumulus clouds now adjust their orientation with the camera's in geocentric systems, instead of baking the orientation in at initialization time. - Fix OpenGL 3.2 warning when rendering stars - Updates light and fog internal colors immediately when Atmosphere::UpdateEphemeris is called - Stratus clouds now take directional light into account as well as ambient - Cirrus clouds use direction of diffuse light - Increased voxel size for cumulus congestus to 300; improves performance quite a bit and still looks good. - Make atmosphere from space shaders compatible with Intel HD graphics Version 2.20 September 1 2011 - Modify SceniX 7.0 sample to sort clouds into the transparency bucket - Include PDB files for VC10 to avoid linker warnings when building debug projects - Fix DX11 warning when running on DX10 class hardware Version 2.19 August 5 2011 - Added SceniX 7.0 sample - Fix Intel GPU compatibility with latest drivers Version 2.18 July 21 2011 - Updated OpenSceneGraph samples to work with OSG 3.0 and to fix computation of clip planes when the atmosphere from space is enabled. Version 2.17 July 17 2011 - Don't create offscreen render targets when quick and dirty lighting is on Version 2.16 July 7 2011 - Fixed include path in release target of Ogre 1.7 sample project - Removed stray deprecated calls in OpenGL 3.2 renderer - No longer require non-pure devices and lockable backbuffers in DX9 - Now compatible with Direct3DDevice9Ex devices - Fix atmosphere from space rendering on OpenGL 3.2 Version 2.15 May 1 2011 - Updated Ogre sample code to work with Ogre 1.7 and leaner device reset handling Version 2.14 April 23 2011 - Eliminate driver warnings when running in DX11 debug mode - Don't display the license warning dialog box more than once Version 2.13 April 9 2011 - Added Atmosphere::D3D9DeviceLost and Atmosphere::D3D9DeviceReset methods. No longer necessary to serialize, destroy, and recreate the Atmosphere in response to device resets now; call these instead. - Visual Studio 2010 libraries built against Service Pack 1 Version 2.12 March 12 2011 - Renamed Atmosphere::BeginFrame to Atmosphere::DrawSky - Renamed Atmosphere::EndFrame to Atmosphere::DrawObjects - Fix bug with stratus clouds when small custom world units are set - Added parameter to Atmosphere::DrawSky to control clearing of depth buffer (this allows you to call it at the end of your scene to reduce fill rate) - Changed default setting of ground-albedo to make horizon less pink - Added optional enableDepthTest parameter to Atmosphere::DrawObjects for use in situations where you don't have a meaningful depth buffer - Fix bug with default skybox size if custom world units are set - Protect against leaky state in DX11 and DX10 - Sped up cloud layer seeding performance - Fixed issue with re-created Atmosphere leading to bad extensions pointer in OpenGL - Fix precipitation with custom world units - Fog cirrus / cirrocumulus clouds properly in precipitation - Fix stratocumulus with custom world units - Custom world units now serialized with the Atmosphere class - Fix issue where changing from wet to dry snow at runtime (or vice versa) didn't get picked up Version 2.11 January 30 2011 - Fix error where LocalTime's hour gets decremented if DST is on and AddSeconds is called - Fix orientation of cumulus clouds when basis vectors change - Fix handling of resource loader and random number generator when recreating atmosphere - Update to June 2010 DirectX SDK - RandomNumberGenerators passed into Atmosphere are no longer static, and are specific to the Atmosphere object in question. Version 2.1 December 31 2010 - Fixed memory leaks at shutdown from stratocumulus clouds and configuration - Improved sorting code for cloud layers - Tightened up bounding volumes on cumulus clouds - Individual component clouds of stratocumulus layers are now available via StratocumulusCloudLayer::GetClouds() (although rendering is still done at the cloud layer level) - Fixed cloud dimensions exposed via Cloud::GetSize() on non-cumulus cloud types - Incremented cloud layer file format version; be sure to re-save your cloud layers if updating and using serialization Version 2.09 December 8 2010 - Performance gains for stratocumulus clouds (up to 4X faster on some systems) - Fixed lighting of stratocumulus cloud volumes when inside the cloud - Fixed memory leaks at shutdown from static objects Version 2.08 November 23 2010 - Fix bug where precipitation causes lens flares to disappear - Small performance tweaks Version 2.07 November 21 2010 - Added explicit wind methods on CloudLayer and for precipitation, so you can have additive wind effects on specific cloud layers and on precipitation in addition to global wind set via AtmosphericConditions::SetWind. See AtmosphericConditions::SetPrecipitationWind and CloudLayer::SetWind. - Added sample code for Carmenta Engine 5.0 (visit - Don't delete custom RandomNumberGenerators passed in to the Atmosphere. - Updated time zone names. - Fixed discontinuity when entering / leaving stratocumulus cloud bounding volume - Fixed fog on stratocumulus under DirectX - Precipitation on cloud layers is now triggered if the camera is inside the cloud as well as underneath it - Fix near clipping plane on precipitation effects Version 2.06 October 31 2010 - Make fade falloffs configurable for cloud layers with SetFadeTowardEdges on. Default is less aggressive for cirrus now. - Fix problem with cirrus fade-ins / fade-outs with SetFadeTowardEdges on. - Made precipitation particles more evenly distributed about the camera. - Added optional nearClip and farClip parameters to CloudLayer::SetPrecipitation and AtmosphericConditions::SetPrecipitation, useful for simulators with screens distant from the eyepoint. - Fix precipitation under infinite stratocumulus clouds - Added rain/sleet/snow-minimum-pixels config setting to enforce minimum projected screen size of precipitation particles. - Fix culling against rain and sleet particles to eliminate rainless borders - Don't delete custom ResourceLoaders passed in to Atmosphere::SetResourceLoader. - Precipitation is a bit more efficient now - Enabled RTTI in VC7 and VC6 libraries Version 2.05 October 24 2010 - Fix CloudLayer::Save() and CloudLayer::Restore() to write binary files - Added CloudLayer::ForceLightning() and lightning-auto-discharge config setting - Fix motion of infinite stratocumulus clouds in round-earth applications - More tweaking of stratocumulus performance and appearance - sampling artifacts reduced - Stratus, cirrus and cirrocumulus clouds now honor CloudLayer::SetFadeTowardEdges() Version 2.04 October 19 2010 - Increase opacity of stratocumulus clouds, and reduce sampling artifacts Version 2.03 October 18 2010 - Fixed positioning of non-infinite stratocumulus cloud layers in round-earth applications Version 2.02 October 17 2010 - New, simpler, faster lighting model for stratocumulus clouds - Infinite stratocumulus clouds won't blow away with wind - Fixed Atmosphere::ReloadConfigFile - Removed duplicate config entry for raindrop-terminal-velocity - Fixed direction of stratocumulus cloud motion from wind to match other cloud types - Added CloudLayer::IsRenderable(), which takes cloud fading into account. CloudLayer::GetEnabled will now return immediately whatever was passed in via CloudLayer::SetEnabled() without taking fading time into account. - If a cloud layer is enabled / disabled while a fade is in progress, avoid a discontinuity in the fading. Version 2.01 October 12 2010 - Added CloudLayer::GetClouds method - Increased sampling rate and noise amplitude, and ambient light terms on stratocumulus clouds Version 2.0 October 10 2010 - New Stratocumulus clouds - rendered with GPU ray-casting! - Clamp fade values in billboard shader - Fix math in placing status / cirrus vertices - Rewrote Configuration class to be more efficient and not fragment memory - Fix orientation of infinite stratus / cirrus / cirrocumulus decks when moving across large distances in round-Earth systems - Better memory allocation overriding capabilities. See the new Allocator class in MemAlloc.h. STL containers, new/delete, malloc/free are all intercepted in non-global manners. - Added Atmosphere::SetWorldUnits() to support coordinate systems that are not based on meters. - Added sample code for SceniX and Carmenta engines - Fix VC10 dynamic linking issues - Fix cumulus cloud lighting when Y isn't up - Fix bug with stratus / cirrus / cirrocumulus clouds interfering with precipitation in some conditions - Added cmake files for OpenSceneGraph 2.x example - Updated to Feb '10 DirectX SDK and Windows SDK 7.1 Version 1.971 June 9 2010 - Fix resource leak with lens flares on DX9 with non-lockable backbuffers. - Added new config settings average-horizon-color-fov and average-horizon-color-num-samples - Dramatically reduced memory footprint Version 1.97 June 8 2010 - Fixed texture edges in non-infinite stratus clouds - Removed duplicate cloud-relight-budget config setting - Added optional zenithAngleOffset parameter to the Sky::SkyColorAt method. This allows you to slightly adjust the color appearance of Cumulus clouds (positive value makes clouds more bluish). - Individual wind volumes may now be deleted via AtmosphericConditions::RemoveWindVolume - Atmosphere height and rendering of the atmosphere from space may now be modified at runtime - Remove stale reference to Atmosphere in Billboard when deleted - Fixed getMilliseconds on Linux and Mac - Cumulus clouds are now placed with the curvature of the Earth in mind (unless you set cumulus-round-earth to no) - Added CloudLayer::SetCloudWrapping() and CloudLayer::SetFadeTowardEdges() to prevent localized cloud layers from blowing away, and preventing any visible popping as the clouds wrap around the edges of the layer. - Build machines now running Windows 7, Ubuntu 10.04, and Mac OS 10.6.3 - Fixed shading on cumulus clouds loaded from VRML files - Added OpenGL 3.2 core context renderer - Cumulus clouds now fade with distance (set by AtmosphericConditions::SetVisibility()) - Added more random noise to cloud puffs - Improved Ogre3D sample code - Made Linux version less dependant on the version of mesa installed under Ubuntu - Fixes to compile under 64-bit Linux - CirroCumulus clouds now honor cirrus-round-earth Version 1.963 April 16 2010 - Added Visual Studio 2010 support Version 1.962 April 12 2010 - Fix fog on stratus cloud decks for DirectX and ATI+GLSL - Fix stratus decks with density < 1.0 on DirectX 9 - Removed dependency on Cg altogether; we stopped using it for DirectX some time ago. OpenGL will now just fall back to the fixed function pipeline if GLSL isn't supported on the system, which is rare these days. - Removed dependency on GLUT for the OpenGL renderer, although we still use GLUT for the OpenGL sample project. - In order to remove GLUT, we removed the Atmosphere::DisplayFramerate method. You can still call Atmosphere::GetFramerate and display it on your own. - In short, there are no longer any third-party DLL dependencies for SilverLining! Version 1.961 April 1 2010 - Tweaked shaders to work better on older Shader Model 2.0 cards Version 1.96 March 28 2010 - Removed all _INFINITE cloud layer types and NIMBOSTRATUS in favor of exposing CloudLayer::SetIsInfinite() on all cloud layers. Cloud layers are not infinite by default; call SetIsInfinite() to make a cloud layer camera-centered. NIMBOSTRATUS layers should be replaced with STRATUS layers with SetIsInfinite(true) - Abstracts away memory management with the SL_NEW, SL_DELETE, SL_MALLOC, and SL_FREE macros defined in SilverLiningTypes.h. - Exposes new ResourceLoader class, to let you override our texture / shader / data file loading with your own resource management scheme. - Fixed uninitialized shader for lens flare in non DX9 renderers - Removes hard-coded clamp of 20.0 for precipitation intensity - Fixed some warnings under g++ - Properly handles failure to do pixel read-back in lens flare occlusion tests - Fixed bug with the first lens flare drawn being corrupt on some systems Version 1.953 March 21 2010 - Check for changes to sun-luminance-scale and moon-luminance-scale each frame - Fix DX9 warning and color on lightning effects - Fix resource leak from cumulus clouds loaded from vrml files (ie, cumulonimbus) - Updated DX9 sample to illustrate handling of a lost device using Atmosphere::Serialize and Unserialize - Ran beautifier on the source code to ensure consistent tabs / line endings Version 1.952 March 14 2010 - Fix bug in rain where billboarding of the particles was off - Update to Feb 2010 build of Cg 2.2 - No longer uses fixed function pipeline in DirectX9 at all (eliminates errors in debug version of DX9 due to use of 128 bit color) - Reinstate support for shader model 2.0 in DirectX9 - Properly handle failure of Cg programs to compile (again on SM2.0 cards) - Added Serialize / Unserialize methods to Atmosphere, so you can completely capture the state and restore it. This is quite useful when you need to delete and recreate an Atmosphere when handling a device reset on DX9. - Project fixes for VC6 Version 1.951 February 18 2010 - Updated Ogre3D sample to play nice with compositors - Disable GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE before we render (also improves Ogre3D compatibility) - Fix bug where the billboard matrix is incorrect after EndFrame() if you're managing your own cloud drawing, and using a non-default coordinate system. Version 1.95 February 7 2010 - Linked DX9 and DX10 renderers against the August 2009 DirectX SDK (instead of March 08) - Reinstated support for VC6 and VC7 by popular demand - Fixed virga effect under cumulonimbus (if you set cumulonimbus-rain-texture to rain.tga) - Cumulonimbus cloud layer size now properly honored - Added new lens flare effect - see Atmosphere::EnableLensFlare() and the lens flare section in the config file for options - Added new occlusion query against the sun - see Atmosphere::GetSunOcclusion() - Added new optional parameter to Atmosphere::BeginFrame - drawStars lets you disable star rendering. This can be useful for passes that render environment maps; stars can lead to unwanted bright spots in them. - New HDR support - completely disables tone mapping and gamma correction, and writes raw luminance values in kCd/m2 to your floating point framebuffer. HDR may be toggled at runtime now. See Atmosphere::EnableHDR() - Fixed incompatibility with new ATI DirectX11-class HD cards - Cg now uses the latest shader profile found on the system (relevant to OpenGL only) - Sped up vertex operations on DirectX9 - Fixed texture coordinate issues on DirectX - Simplified the billboard shader - CloudLayer::SetBaseAltitude() may now be called at runtime to reposition an existing cloud layer - Added CloudLayer::IsInsideCloud() to provide collision detection with a cloud layer's cloud - Fix bounding volume on clouds generated from .wrl files - OpenGL renderer now uses GLSL shaders instead of Cg if GLSL is supported on the system. - DirectX shaders now require Shader Model 3 support. - Fixed bug where multiple cloud layers could clear each other's sky fog when you're inside one - Added cull-interior-voxels config setting. This will cull cloud voxels that are completely surrounded by other voxels, giving a small performance boost. - Cumulus cloud fog color is now computed per cloud, for better blending into the sky - The up vector in effect when CloudLayer::SetLayerPosition() is called is now stored with the cloud layer. So, cirrus, cirrocumulus, and stratus clouds won't change orientation as Atmosphere::SetUpVector() is changed unless you explicitly call SetLayerPosition(). (Infinite cloud layers are always oriented relative to the current up vector for the frame still, since they are relative to the camera position.) - Added pitchDegrees parameter to Atmosphere::GetHorizonColor() so you can sample the color a little above the actual horizon if you want to. - Stratus, cirrus, and cirrocumulus cloud layers now curve downward with distance with the curvature of the Earth. You can disable this with stratus-round-earth and cirrus-round-earth if you need to. - Renamed "-static" versions of the libraries to "-norenderer" to reduce confusion. Version 1.94 January 10 2010 - Refactored to make integration with rendering engines not directly supported easier. See new section in docs on integrating with custom renderers for more info. Basically you can treat the core of SilverLining as a platform agnostic numerical engine that calls back into your own renderer now. - Fix problem with sun/moon glow being too bright near the horizon - Fix anomaly with billboard rendering when view vector approaches the world up vector - Properly fog cirrus and cirrocumulus clouds when AtmosphericConditions::SetFog() is used - Fix fog on cirrus and cirrocumulus in DX10 and DX11 - Added config setting scatter-moon-color to let you disable color on the moon - Fix fog on cumulus clouds Version 1.93 December 26 2009 - Cleaned up resources folder - Tweaked cumulus cloud lighting further - Added CloudLayer::GetAlpha to allow setting explicit translucency on any cloud layer. You can use this to give the clouds a softer appearance that blends into the sky more. - Cirrus and cirrocumulus cloud layers now honor the "thickness" setting, and will generate fog when inside them. Version 1.92 December 22 2009 - Fix sun and moon placement with non-default up and right vectors in non-geocentric mode - Added "drawPrecipitation" parameter to Atmosphere::EndFrame() to provide workaround for multiple viewports per frame Version 1.91 December 15 2009 - Added a new STRATUS cloud layer type. STRATUS is similar to NIMBOSTRATUS, but does not extend infinitely to the horizon. The position, length, and width of STRATUS clouds will be honored, enabling you to place low clouds off in the distance with distinct edges. - Added a vertex shader for stratus and nimbostratus clouds, to give them some dimension on their upper planes. - IR sensor simluation support - see Atmosphere::SetInfraRedMode() - Performance improvement (stopped using std::bitset in our Voxel class and stopped using std::map in Configuration) - Fixed divide by zero bug in cloud lighting calculation - Added Atmosphere::DisableFarCulling() to not cull clouds against the far clip plane. You can use this in conjuction with depth clamping to keep your far clip plane close and still render distant clouds. - Brightened horizon a bit, brightened moon illumination a bit. - Fixed bug where sun / moon disappear sometimes when viewed from outer space - Imposters work again (if you set disable-imposters to "no" and use OpenGL or DX9) - Fixed bug where clouds were black from very high altitudes (due to fogging gone awry) - Reworked the math behind the rendering of the atmospheric limb - Fixed coordinate frame when rendering sun, moon, and stars in geocentric mode if you have a Y-North geocentric system. See the new geocentric-z-is-north config setting if this applies to you. - Interpolates skylight to black as you leave the atmosphere instead of suffering a discontinuity at the edge of the atmosphere. - Updated fog handling in sample code to account for being outside of the atmosphere. - Increased number of stars rendered at night - Density of 0 now supported in SetHaze() - Fixed performance and appearance of cumulonimbus clouds (vrml files were not installed) Version 1.9 November 12 2009 - DirectX 11 Support! - Fixed bug with twilight luminances and simulated ozone amount - Numerous tweaks and fixes to sky and light colors (they're a LOT better now.) - Updated to October 2009 build of Cg 2.2 - Built against Windows 7 SDK and August 09 DirectX SDK - Added config setting "disable-tone-mapping". May be changed at runtime - disables all tone-mapping effects. - Added air-mass-model, spectrum-red-shift, and air-mass-multiplier config settings to allow further tweaking of sky colors. These may also be set at runtime. - "Quick and dirty" cumulus lighting mode now enabled by default. It's faster and looks smoother, but this means shadow maps won't be generated unless you turn off cumulus-lighting-quick-and-dirty. - The "complex" sky shader, which computes both the sun and moon light simultaneously, is now the default. - Added config settings "twilight-chromaticity-x" and "twilight-chromaticity-y" for adjusting the sky's twilight color. - Added config settings "sunset-X-boost", "sunset-Y-boost", "sunset-Z-boost", and "sunset-boost-exponent." These allow tweaking of the scattered sunlight color as the sun approaches the horizon. - Removed the perceptual monochromatic blue shift effect at twilight. - Increased the ambient term on cloud voxels - Fixed geometry of atmospheric limb - Fixed bug with cumulonimbus cloud voxels remaining lit from lightning - Fixed "brightness" config setting to be more effective - Made moonlit skies darker - sun-luminance-scale and moon-luminance-scale now affect scattered as well as direct light - Better preservation of color in cloud lighting - Added atmosphere-ozone-mass and atmosphere-water-vapor-mass config settings - Added small randomness to metaball colors to improve cloud depth (see metaball-color-randomness) - Exposed individual Perez function coefficient scale factors to config - Fix problem in DX9 device resets where shaders weren't released - Added glow effects to the sun and moon Version 1.818 September 3 2009 - Better input validation - Fix bug in OSG sample code's near/far clip adjustment - Make source compatible with gcc 4.4 - Precipitation performance enhancements. - Updated license agreement for full source version to not include reverse engineering restrictions. Version 1.817 August 18 2009 - Fix ATI compatibility issues Version 1.816 August 15 2009 - OpenSceneGraph 1.0 example code provided (in addition to the 2.x example) - Updated license agreement Version 1.815 July 16 2009 - Re-enable DX9 shaders - Switch to compiled HTML docs - Set SILVERLINING_PATH env variable immediately when installer finishes. - render-offscreen back to "no" by default. Version 1.814 July 14 2009 - Fix crash related to RandomNumberGenerator if all atmospheres are deleted and then one is recreated - Render the lighting pass offscreen by default, for better DX9 compatibility. Version 1.813 July 12 2009 - Added HDR sky shader for DirectX - Added new configurations to the SilverLining project (full source users only) to statically link in the DirectX or OpenGL renderers (makes console porting easier.) - Made source code more platform-independent. Version 1.812 July 9 2009 - Reduced billboard vertex buffer chunk size from 20000 to 10000 vertices for system compatibility - Fix problem when the modelview and proj. matrices change between beginframe() and endframe() - DirectX9 renderer no longer uses NVidia's Cg - it uses HLSL directly. DirectX applications no longer need to link against Cg and redistribute it (this makes XBox porting easier.) Version 1.811 June 24 2009 - Made OpenSceneGraph sample code Linux-friendly, provided makefile, force to display in window - Added HDR (floating point color) support for licensed users with full source. Uncomment the preprocessor definition FLOATING_POINT_COLOR in VertexBuffer.h, rebuild the libs and DLLs, and the sky will render in HDR space. Version 1.81 - Mac OSX 10.5 support! Makefiles will build under MacOS or Linux now. Continue to use the Visual Studio project files for Windows. - Fix bug in billboard shader with uninitialized value (seemed to affect ATI cards mostly) - Intel compiler compatibility - Reduce calls to configuration - Speed up initialization by streamlining billboard creation - Abstracted away the random number generator. You may provide your own by subclassing RandomNumberGenerator and passing in an instance of your implementation to Atmosphere::SetRandomNumberGenerator() Version 1.801 June 2 2009 - Reset vertex buffer format on entry to SilverLining with bindless graphics. - Always calculate the framerate, since the app might display it on its own. Version 1.8 June 1 2009 - "Infinite" cumulus cloud layers - see new CUMULUS_CONGESTUS_INFINITE and CUMULUS_MEDIOCRIS_INFINITE cloud layer types in CloudLayerFactory. These layers stay centered at the camera position, with individual clouds wrapping across the layer. No more disappearing clouds as the wind blows them away, or as the camera moves. - Uses OpenGL Bindless Graphics on systems that support it (NVidia 185 driver + G80 hardware.) 20% faster by our tests. - Linux support. Code compiles and links without warnings on GNU C++; static library, OpenGL sample, and makefiles provided. Tested on Fedora Core 10. Version 1.7 May 18 2009 - DirectX 10 support! DX10 version does not depend on NVidia's Cg any longer, and uses HLSL directly. - Takes explicit modelview and projection matrices from the application now; see Atmosphere::SetCameraMatrix() and Atmosphere::SetProjectionMatrix() - GCC portability bugs addressed - Added geocentric and ecliptic versions of Atmosphere::GetSunOrMoonPosition - Updated to CG 2.2 - Apply visibility effects from global precipitation set on AtmosphericConditions - Cleaned up project files in full source distribution - Fixed LocalTime::AddSeconds() - Added cloud-relight-budget config setting to spread out relighting in response to time of day changes. Version 1.610 December 13 2008 - Reduced memory fragmentation - Reduced and made configurable how the moon lights up the sky at night - Made config lookups more efficient - Fix resource leak in DirectX with render-offscreen enabled Version 1.609 November 27 2008 - Protect against duplicate Cg context ID's in renderer shutdown. Version 1.608 November 26 2008 - Don't reload the DLL when creating a new atmosphere. - Fix DirectX resource leaks when releasing multiple atmospheres. - Maintain seperate Cg contexts per Atmosphere object. Version 1.607 November 25 2008 - Further DirectX / multiple device fixes. Version 1.606 November 24 2008 - Allow DirectX version to work with multiple devices (one device per Atmosphere object) - Fix precipitation manager shutdown with multiple atmospheres Version 1.605 November 8 2008 - Added CloudLayer::GetPrecipitation() method - Precipitation is now saved and restored with cloud layers. Version 1.604 November 5 2008 - Disable fixed-function fog when billboard shader is in effect. (Fixes cumulus clouds when viewed from within a stratus cloud in DirectX) Version 1.603 October 28 2008 - LocalTime::SetFromEpochSeconds now assumes GMT time zone, no need to set local time zone with it anymore. - Fix broken stratus clouds in DirectX Version 1.602 October 25 2008 - Update to final release of Cg 2.1 - Properly handle off-center / skewed / sheared projection matrices when rendering precipitation Version 1.601 October 13 2008 - Release precipitation resources when Atmosphere is destroyed (allows D3D9 to be reset successfully) - Honor the default-turbidity setting when Atmosphere::Initialize is called. - Make sky shaders compatible with HLSL - Change blending mode for glares - Fix GetSunOrMoonPosition to return light source with greatest transmitted luminance - Add Atmosphere::GetGamma() and Atmosphere::SetGamma() to allow runtime adjustment Version 1.6 September 28 2008 - Add third parameter to Atmosphere::BeginFrame() to allow apps to change the size of the skybox dynamically (useful for apps that modify the near and far clip planes dynamically) - Fix scale of projected depth in left-handed OpenGL or right-handed DirectX. - Tweak how large cloud layers are sorted relative to each other - Don't make cumulus clouds disappear as soon as you enter a stratus deck - Fix floating point accuracy issues in GetDistance methods of flat cloud layers - Added Atmosphere::GetConfigValueDouble and Atmosphere::GetConfigValueString - Remove clouds from list of scene objects as soon as they are deleted. - Change up and right vectors passed into Atmosphere to take doubles instead of floats - Add AtmosphericConditions::SetFog(), ClearFog(), and GetFog() to explicitly fog clouds to a given color and density - Clear all vertex array client states before using vertex arrays - Improved OpenSceneGraph sample code - Fix transition as you leave the atmosphere with very high altitudes - Add gamma correction to the skybox colors and light colors (you can adjust with the sky-box-gamma config setting, and influence how dark the sky colors are by doing so. The default of 1.8 is quite realistic.) Version 1.514 August 17 2008 - Fix anomalies in cloud billboards when looking up at around 45 degrees - Fix cloud flicker in Ogre3D using DirectX - Tweak Ogre3D sample code to display warning dialog before entering full screen mode, and specify the time zone to match the location. Version 1.513 August 10 2008 - Fix DLL path for debug builds - Update to Cg 2.1 beta (fixes flicker in sky that was happening on some systems) - Color the sun disc as it nears the horizon (see new scatter-sun-color config setting) - Don't draw the sun when it's below the horizon by default (see new draw-sun-below-horizon config setting) - Added troubleshooting tips to the documentation Version 1.512 August 1 2008 - Fix streak lengths for sleet when camera is moving. - Fix spelling on lightning-max-discharge-period config setting. Version 1.511 July 30 2008 - Don't ask for high quality smooth lines for lightning, too much of a performance hit on some systems. - Pre-compute lighting effects from lightning to speed up runtime performance. - Added section in documentation on using Silverlining in geocentric / ECEF systems. - Add table of contents to main page of docs. - Changed OSG example to point to a win32 Program Files path instead of win64 in Atmosphere::Initialize call. - Force clouds to recompute lighting upon a CloudLayer::SetEnabled call, regardless of time lapse update settings. - If a thunderhead's base altitude is more than the radius of the Earth, assume we are in an ECEF system and don't render lightning bolts to the center of the Earth... Version 1.51 July 23 2008 - Added sleet - Added support for mixed precipitation (call CloudLayer::SetPrecipitation multiple times for different precip types, or set it to NONE to clear them) - Added AtmosphericConditions::SetPrecipitation method, for global precipitation effects that don't require use of CloudLayers. - Don't use Cg profiles newer than VP40 or FP40; our billboard shader doesn't seem to work properly with the new profiles in Cg 2.0. Version 1.502 July 13 2008 - Added fade in / fade out effects to CloudLayers; see new fadeTimeMS parameter in CloudLayer::SetEnabled() - Properly factor in night sky luminance (including light pollution) into tone-mapping - Don't draw stars when it's overcast. - Fix undefined V-coordinate texture wrapping mode in DirectX - Lightning strikes now honor the MillisecondTimer instead of using system time directly - Add Ogre3D sample code Version 1.501 June 27 2008 - Added AtmosphericConditions::SetLightPollution() to add extra ambient light to nighttime scenes - Fixed range of snow to 1.0 to 30.0 mm/hr instead of 1.0 to 3.0 (we mixed up cm and mm... blush) - Fix bug where cloud colors were undefined if a certain register got overwritten by the application - Added config option to prevent rain streaks from elongating with camera motion Version 1.5 June 22 2008 - Fix sky color on skybox verts below the horizon - Smoother fog transitions through stratus clouds - Added precipitation (rain and snow) support to CloudLayers - Fix bogus assert in CumulusCloud.cpp - Fix various gcc portability issues - Make cirrus lighting consistent with cirrocumulus lighting - Updated to May 2008 Cg build - Updated to March 2008 DirectX SDK - Added 64-bit DLL's and LIB's (see new win32 and x64 subdirectories now) - No longer supporting Visual Studio 6 and 2007 (see docs on how to obtain version 1.094) - Improved cumulus cloud appearance - Hand-modeled Cumulonimbus clouds added - Demo time limit increased to 5 minutes - Fixed sun/moon billboarding in geocentric mode - Added OpenSceneGraph sample code - Added Atmosphere::SetConfigOption method Version 1.094 March 30 2008 - Explicitly sets the client active texture unit to zero prior to rendering (fixes lots of compatibility problems) - Added Visual C++ 2008 (VC9) support - Added support for manually generated cloud models (contact us for details) - Built VC8 binaries with SP1 - Remove ATL dependency in DirectX9 DLL, so you can build sources with VC++ Express Edition. - Disabled 2D text drawing (framerate display) in DirectX9. D3DXFont::DrawText was crashing on some systems, despite having valid parameters. - Add +- 10% randomness in individual cloud puff sizes Version 1.093 March 23 2008 - Added star-magnitude-adjustment config setting to allow tweaking of star brightness - Smoothed transition from atmosphere-from-space to ground - Enable glare on the sun when outside of the atmosphere - Fix bug where cloud layer altitude and thickness were not properly saved / restored - Fix reversed wind direction on stratus decks - Added "quick and dirty" cloud lighting option in config file, useful for time lapse sequences. - Fix star orientation in geocentric mode - Updated to Cg 2.0 (Jan 08 build) - Add statically linked DirectX9 renderer build option - Fix bug where north/south axis was flipped for astronomical object positions in sky - No longer messes with near and far clip when drawing the sky box, this led to inconsistencies. - Stars, sun, and moon drawn honoring the skybox size config setting. Version 1.092 January 13 2008 - Draw the bottom face of the skybox (for space-based viewpoints) - Fix bug that affected performance on cumulus clouds - Always draws the sun (for space-based viewpoints) - Sets near and far clip planes to ensure drawing of the sky box - Reduced memory footprint - Realistically darken the sky as the altitude (as specified in the Location of the AtmosphericConditions) increases. Go up into space and watch the stars come out! - Simulated sun and moon light color is affected by altitude (scattering reduces with altitude.) - Fix bug where sun and moon light directions were not transformed into the specified coordinate frame as set by Atmosphere::SetUpVector and SetRightVector. - Exposed geographic and equatorial coordinates for the sun and moon. - Added geocentric coordinate rendering mode for astronomical objects (see new optional paramater on Atmosphere::EndFrame() ) - Fixed bug where going backwards in time using a MillisecondTimer would cause clouds to completely disappear. - CloudLayer::SetLayerPosition may now be called at runtime to reset a layer's position and/or wind drift. - Added simulated atmospheric limb for space-based viewpoints. (see enable-atomsphere-from-space config setting) Version 1.091 October 27 2007 - Set vertex array buffer to 0 when unsetting it (fixes OpenSceneGraph compatibility problems) - Fix crash on systems without array buffer support on OpenGL Version 1.090 June 23 2007 - Fix bug in positioning of cumulus congestus clouds - Properly initialize textures to null for stratus and cirrus clouds Version 1.089 April 8 2007 - Return error codes from Atmosphere::Initialize instead of just a boolean success. - Push and pop the GL client state surrounding BeginFrame and EndFrame calls automatically. - Release DirectX resources associated with offscreen render targets. - Distribute VC6, 7, and 8 builds of renderer DLL's under VC6, VC7, and VC8 subdirectories of the Resources directory. Libraries automatically link in correct builds at runtime. - Fix Visual C++ 6 sample project files. Version 1.088 February 24 2007 - Fix DirectX object leak when using offscreen rendering for lighting pass - Fix resource folders not relative to the working directory in OpenGL version - Added support for custom millisecond timers (see AtmosphericConditions::SetMillisecondTimer) - Added support for continuous time of day updating (see AtmosphericConditions::EnableTimePassage) Version 1.087 February 11 2007 - Allow devices with unlockable back buffers and multisampling if render-offscreen is enabled in SilverLining.config. - Documentation corrections. Version 1.086 February 3 2007 - Disable sun glare effects by default (causes perf issues on some Dell Inspiron laptops) - Disable imposters by default (causes jerkiness on PCI NVidia cards) - Limit number of imposter and cloud sorting updates per frame to smooth framerates - Fix sun disc drawing before sunrise Version 1.085 January 28 2007 - Reduce ambient term in cumulus clouds to improve appearance. - Save and restore state in DirectX - Fix missing ground texture in DirectX sample app Version 1.084 January 22 2007 - Added ability to save and restore cloud decks, to offer a way to speed up cumulus cloud layer creation and reproduce exact cloud layers without any randomness. - Reduced memory requirements - Install both VC7 and VC8 project files - Use VC8 runtime DLL's in DLL library targets instead of VC7 - Protect against an incompatibility with older ATI drivers in OpenGL mode. - Fixed resource leaks under DirectX - Check bounds of reads and writes from the framebuffer to avoid D3D errors - Fix crash in DirectX associated with lightning firing - Change sample apps to use static runtimes - Fix DirectX sample app to not leak memory on shutdown Version 1.083 November 4 2006 - Update DirectX sample code to wrap Initialize with beginscene/endscene and fix DirectX exception - Enable re-creation of a deleted Atmosphere object without errors Version 1.082 October 18 2006 - Added moon-luminance-scale config setting - Star glare effects disabled by default for performance (set disable-star-glare=no to get them back) - Fix wind shear on cumulus congestus and cumulonimbus clouds - Improved lighting on cirrus clouds - Improved tone-mapping on moonlit nights - Improved luminance model in twilight (fixes bright clouds after sunset) - Reduced memory consumption. - Switch to a newer air mass model. Version 1.081 October 10 2006 - Switch to the CIE color model. Version 1.08 October 8 2006 - Improvements in cloud lighting from better modeling of atmospheric optical depth and zenith luminance. - Improved day/night transitions. - Fix and tweak glare effects for Directx and OpenGL with ATI extensions. - Decreased default lightning frequency and lightning branches. - Added Atmosphere::ReloadConfigFile() method. - Fix discrepancy between average horizon color, tone mapping, and simple sky shader. - Fix determination of relevant dominant light source for simplified sky shader. - Fix bug tracking blend mode state - Updated to use Cg version 1.5 - Added lightning notification object (see the new LightningListener class) - Fix tone-mapping when pitch black - Fix bug where new cumulonimbus clouds would fire all lightning bolts at once on their first frame. - Switch from CIE color model to CCIR Rec. 709 video standard - Improved star rendering - Added cirrocumulus clouds and a second cirrus texture. - Reduced height of cumulus congestus clouds and decreased voxel size. Tweaked physical parameters. - Tweaked lightning effects, fixed lightning under DirectX. - Improved lighting of stratus and cirrus decks. Version 1.072 September 4 2006 - Clear out texture stage states prior to rendering in DirectX9, fix texture stage enable / disable code. - Fix bug in setting point rendering state to default in DirectX9, which fixes stars on ATI X1xxx cards. - Improved appearance of stars at night. - Tweak billboard matrix with non-default up vectors. - Fix fog density in DirectX. Version 1.071 August 29 2006 -Re-enable depth buffer writes when rendering to texture for imposters in DirectX9. Version 1.07 August 28 2006 - Automatically set default render states within Atmosphere::BeginFrame() and Atmosphere::EndFrame(), and restore original settings when exiting these methods. Also clears any previously set fragment or vertex shaders. - Eliminate unnecessary clear of depth buffer in DirectX version. - Added Atmosphere::SetUpVector() and Atmosphere::SetRightVector() to allow for cases where "up" is not the positive Y axis. - Modified documentation to indicate that "pure" DirectX devices are not supported. - Added methods to allow the application to manage its own cloud drawing: Atmosphere::GetObjects(), Atmosphere::GetObjectDistance(), and Atmosphere::DrawObject(). - preserve-back-buffer config setting now defaults to "no". Version 1.06 August 6 2006 - Depth and color buffers won't be touched by Atmosphere::BeginFrame(false), if preserve-back-buffer = yes is specified in the SilverLining.config file - Eliminate unnecessary depth buffer clear - Protect from crashes due to calling Atmosphere methods in incorrect order - Fix bug in moonlight calculation - Store all epoch seconds in unsigned longs - Fixes for clean builds under VC8 Version 1.051 August 1 2006 - Added MSVC8 libraries Version 1.05 July 31 2006 - Add ambient skylight to lighting of cirrus and stratus clouds - Add MSVC 6 libraries and projects - Change samples to use multithreaded DLL runtime libraries for MSVC8 compatibility Version 1.04 July 19 2006 - Code cleanup and documentation for full-source licensees - Remove limit of simulated refracted solar angle of -9 degrees (we simulate twilight below that point) - Add SetHaze() and GetHaze() methods to Atmosphere, to support blending toward a specified horizon color in the sky box. - Fix precision bug on horizon color with NVidia hardware. Version 1.031 July 2 2006 - More accurate sky color at horizon Version 1.03 June 26 2006 - Fog color returned from Atmosphere class is premultiplied with the sun/moon color now - Enabled fog effects on cirrus decks - Volumetric fog effects on sky dome added Version 1.02 June 22 2006 - Added Atmosphere::GetHorizonColor() method that doesn't require yawDegrees to be explicitly passed in. - Protected from divide-by-zeros in GetHorizonColor() - Simplify star vertex shader to fit within 128 instructions - Model twilight correctly (better day/night transitions) - Added GetSunColor(), GetMoonColor(), GetSunPosition(), and GetMoonPosition() methods to the Atmosphere class for customers who wish to model two independent light sources. - Fix cloud colors at dusk / dawn on DirectX - Fix bug with texture wrapping vs. clamping in DirectX - Don't fog the sun and moon polygons - Fix bug where imposter-slop-value config setting wasn't honored. Version 1.01 June 8 2006 - Tweaked billboarding algorithms to better handle roll - Fixed billboard rotation for case where vertex shaders aren't supported - Eliminated memory leaks on application shutdown - Added additional library builds for every runtime library - Fixed anomolies with wide fields of view